The Story of Possum Trot | Joshua Weigel, Bishop and Donna Martin | EP 461

05 Jul 2024 (7 months ago)
The Story of Possum Trot | Joshua Weigel, Bishop and Donna Martin | EP 461

Coming up (0s)

  • The intention was to get 100 children from the community but due to lack of resources, the state cut them off and they were able to get 76 children.
  • This was seen as an opportunity to highlight the shortcomings in the adoption system.

Intro (22s)

  • The story of Possum Trot is about a small community that took matters into their own hands and 22 families adopted 76 children from the foster care system.
  • They focused on older children who were often overlooked.
  • The movie explores the challenges and potential positive outcomes of such an undertaking.
  • If every church community did what Possum Trot did, there would be no children in the foster care system.
  • The discussion will analyze the motives of the community and the potential psychological and social consequences of taking responsibility for the vulnerable.

Writing and directing “Sound of Hope” (2m25s)

  • Joshua Weigel and his wife Rebecca wrote and produced the movie "Sound of Hope" after hearing about the Martins' story.
  • The Martins inspired 22 families in East Texas to adopt 77 kids from the foster system in the late 90s.
  • The Weigels were personally invested in the story as they had adopted two kids themselves.
  • The stories of the kids, particularly Terry's, deeply affected Joshua and made him feel compelled to share them with others.
  • Joshua saw the breakdown of the family as a major societal problem, especially affecting the poor, and felt that the Martins' story addressed this issue.
  • Bishop and Donna Martin spearheaded an initiative in East Texas in the late 90s, inspiring 22 families to adopt 77 kids from the foster system.
  • They specifically focused on adopting kids that nobody wanted.
  • The Martins' efforts brought together the community and had a positive impact on the lives of many children.

Silent pain, the presumption of understanding and a message from God (5m45s)

  • Donna Martin experienced silent depression after losing her mother in the late 1990s.
  • Her husband, Joshua Weigel, was overwhelmed with renovating their church, leading to isolation and misunderstandings in their marriage.
  • Donna had a profound experience where she cried out to God for healing or release from her pain, resulting in a turning point in her emotions.
  • Joshua believes that pain and suffering can lead to victory and that Godly assignments come through these experiences.
  • After expressing a desire to either be healed or die, Joshua experienced a profound sense of calmness and was moved to his back porch by the Holy Spirit.
  • The intensity of pain can make individuals more receptive to embracing new things and making significant life changes.
  • Despite their poverty, Joshua's nurturing mother and loving family inspired him to give back and help those in need.

Self confidence builds from two parent homes (14m39s)

  • People who have done well in life often come from two-parent families.
  • A mother's love provides an unshakable confidence in one's physical reality.
  • A father can be a figure of great encouragement, aligning with the acceptance and love of the mother.
  • Joshua Weigel experienced a calm sense of a voice on the porch.
  • He attributes this experience to the Divine and believes it was a commandment from heaven.
  • Despite the challenges and suffering, Joshua Weigel and his wife never gave up on their mission, which reinforces his belief that it was God's will.

When Tammy nearly passed, what brought her back (17m20s)

  • Tammy was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given 10 months to live.
  • Seeing the love and grief in her son's eyes made her realize the weight of her life and the importance of living each day with gratitude.
  • Tammy's immediate response to her children's needs and the attention she received from elderly people showed her that she was needed and loved.
  • 70% of children in the foster care system are there due to neglect, while the other 30% have been through traumatic experiences.
  • The need to support and care for vulnerable children is emphasized, as they cannot endure any more neglect or noise.
  • The town of Possum Trot wants to adopt children who are often overlooked or rejected by others.

Live your life through giving, sharing the message (22m22s)

  • The speaker believes that living a life centered on oneself is not fulfilling and leads to dissatisfaction.
  • True fulfillment comes from giving and sharing rather than acquiring and achieving.
  • Tammy's experience of seeing her devotion to Julian reflected showed her self-worth and led her to decide to change her life direction.
  • Tammy decided to speak publicly despite her initial reluctance and discovered her ability to do so.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of family unity and keeping the family together.

From a traveling musician to the ministry (25m10s)

  • Joshua Weigel used to sing with his brothers in a group called The Martin Brothers and they performed all over the country.
  • During one of their performances in Possum Trot, Joshua saw Donna and immediately felt a connection with her.
  • Joshua eventually became a pastor, although it was not his initial intention.
  • He was led to the ministry through a series of events, including passing the church where he got married and discussing adoption with Donna.

Raising a child with brain damage, compassion spreads (26m39s)

  • The speaker's son was born with severe brain damage, which taught them patience.
  • They joined a program to learn how to deal with children with multiple problems.
  • They adopted two children, Nino, Tyler, and Mercedes, which inspired other church members to want to adopt as well.

Adoption is not man made: “it’s a God idea” (27m56s)

  • Adoption is not a man-made concept, but rather a divine idea from God.
  • Adoption is the only way for humans to return to God, as explained in Ephesians 1:4-5.
  • Moses and Jesus were both adopted children, according to the speaker's interpretation of the Bible.
  • Once the church understood the significance of adoption as a divine concept, they became actively involved in the adoption process.
  • Adoption has always existed, even before formal adoption processes, as people have always taken care of children in the absence of their parents.
  • Adoption is a formal process now, but it was originally a more informal arrangement.
  • Adoption is God's idea to bring people back to Him, and all children of God have been adopted.

Discerning the spirits from falsehoods (30m57s)

  • Joshua and Donna were hesitant to take on additional responsibility due to their existing commitments and the difficulty of the task.
  • They decided to proceed because they believed it was God's will, even though the outcome was uncertain.
  • To discern if a calling is from God, they rely on the guidance and provision of the Holy Spirit.
  • God provides direction and instruction when He gives a vision or calling.
  • Obedience to God's word is crucial in staying aligned with His will.
  • Staying in alignment with God's will requires obedience to His word.
  • When God speaks, believers should obey His commands, whether to go, stop, or take a specific action.
  • Disobedience can lead to problems and hinder God's work.
  • Trusting in the Lord and allowing Him to direct one's path leads to success.
  • Thought is an aid to movement forward, helping individuals see their way forward.
  • To ensure the best possible thoughts come to mind, one should aim for the highest good they can conceive of.
  • Treating others as having the same value as oneself provides a reliable framework for decision-making.
  • By aiming for the highest good and treating others with value, individuals can expect reliable guidance and the provision of necessary resources along the way.

Adopting the first child: “If God said it, we can do it” (35m34s)

  • After receiving confirmation from the Holy Spirit, Bishop Martin discussed adopting a child with his sister, Dianne.
  • Dianne initially expressed skepticism but eventually agreed, saying, "If God said it, we can do it."
  • Dianne attended the required foster care classes alongside Bishop Martin.
  • Bishop Martin knew from the beginning that he wanted to adopt the children who came to their home, rather than just fostering them.
  • He felt a spiritual certainty that these children were meant to be a permanent part of their family.

Getting onboard, convincing the congregation of Possum Trot (40m36s)

  • Joshua Weigel, like Moses, felt compelled by God to act after hearing His voice.
  • Joshua and his sister took courses on childhood protection services, leading to his full commitment to the cause.
  • Joshua's wife, Donna, supported his commitment to helping others.
  • The parishioners of Joshua's church became interested in adoption after his sermons on the topic.
  • God's word is powerful and accomplishes its intended purpose.
  • Adoption is a challenging task that requires patience and understanding.
  • While not everyone can adopt, everyone can support adoption in some way.
  • God has chosen specific individuals to carry out the responsibility of adoption.

Tackling the film: “we usually talk ourselves out of what we ought to do” (47m2s)

  • The filmmakers aimed to create a realistic portrayal of adoption, balancing the challenges and rewards while avoiding propaganda and excessive messaging.
  • Joshua Weigel and Bishop Donna Martin share their personal experiences with adoption, highlighting the importance of community support and the potential for growth and development for both individuals and couples.
  • Adoption is a significant responsibility that can impact a marriage positively or negatively, and successful adoption journeys often involve strong friendship, open communication, and mutual respect between partners.
  • Joshua and Donna emphasize the significance of recognizing each other's strengths and trusting in each other's abilities during the adoption process.

The immeasurable positive change in taking on the greatest responsibility of your life (54m54s)

  • Children bring about self-discovery and personal growth by requiring constant attention and commitment, which forces individuals to confront their shortcomings.
  • Following Jesus involves challenging situations and sacrifices that are necessary for personal development and spiritual growth.
  • Children offer more to individuals than they take, promoting maturity and shifting the focus away from self-centeredness.
  • The Possum Trot community exemplifies the act of sacrificing personal comfort and convenience to care for others, which is often lacking in modern society.
  • The film aims to challenge and inspire viewers by showcasing individuals who practice what they preach and make significant sacrifices for the well-being of others.
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The subversion of art: balancing the message with the medium (1h0m39s)

  • The speaker strongly opposes propagandistic art, regardless of its political or religious affiliation, as it undermines the true purpose of art.
  • To avoid creating propaganda, artists should begin with the right intentions, fully commit to the project, and deeply understand the subject matter.
  • Genuine art should convey a message or opinion while maintaining humility and openness to learning, and it should have a moral framework while respecting the craft and following the rules of the art form.
  • Films like "The Chosen" and "Sound of Freedom" successfully avoided propaganda and achieved artistic success by effectively portraying a welcoming community that embraced a lonely child.
  • The film highlights the importance of collective action and support, rather than relying solely on individual families, and emphasizes the biblical concept of community involvement.
  • The film's success lies in its depiction of community-based actions, which contrasts with the individualistic approach to problem-solving, and it emphasizes the significance of churches like Benett Chapel in fostering a sense of community and togetherness.
  • Jethro's advice to Moses in the desert serves as an example of proper governance, highlighting the importance of shared responsibility and preventing tyranny and slavery.

“The state cut us off” (1h9m20s)

  • The adoption process in Possum Trot starts with Bishop and Donna Martin initiating it, but then other people get involved due to their trust and reputation.
  • The adoption process involves multiple families, with two classes conducted for 13 and an unknown number of families, respectively.
  • The state eventually cut off the adoption process due to the workload involved in handling so many cases simultaneously.
  • Despite the intention to help 100 children, the lack of resources led to the state cutting off the process after 76 children had been adopted.
  • Joshua Weigel believes that the entire adoption process in Possum Trot was a plan laid out by God.
  • He believes that God wanted to use Possum Trot to teach the nation about what is lacking in the adoption arena.

When God calls you to purpose (1h11m18s)

  • The church should prioritize helping those in need and step out of its comfort zone to serve others, as exemplified by Jesus.
  • Despite challenges, God's guidance and strength will support us in fulfilling His purpose.
  • Churches should use their resources to aid vulnerable children and families.
  • Greatness comes from discipline and commitment, not from taking the easy path.
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Why it worked despite limited resources (1h16m53s)

  • Possum Trot, a poverty-stricken community, managed to improve their situation despite limited resources.
  • Their success was attributed to their unity, faith in God, and obedience to His will.
  • God provided for the community through unexpected means, including the generosity of strangers.
  • The story of Elijah and the widow emphasizes the significance of obedience to God and perseverance in the face of challenges.
  • Elijah's encounter with the widow awakened his conscience and led him to associate God with the still, small voice of conscience.
  • The discussion centers on the awakening of conscience within the church.

A true family includes the community (1h21m47s)

  • The issue of adoption is a global problem that God wants everyone to be aware of and involved in.
  • Despite challenges, the speaker and his wife remain committed to their mission, drawing strength from their faith in God's promises.
  • The black community's strong sense of community and family serves as an example of what Christian families should strive for.
  • The breakdown of family structures within the black community is a significant issue that the speaker's work aims to address.
  • Abraham's unwavering faith and obedience to God's calling, even when it meant giving up his nephew Lot, resulted in blessings and a lasting dynasty of nations.
  • The call of adventurous responsibility brought about positive changes in the community, including increased love, family stability, faith, hope, and the breaking of generational curses.
  • Abraham's commitment to following God's voice and taking on the responsibility of fatherhood established a pattern of successful fatherhood for generations to come.

This is a multi-generational responsibility, the importance of dignity (1h30m15s)

  • People are searching for identity and dignity in the modern world.
  • Dignity is accomplished by adopting responsibility.
  • Abraham was faithful to God despite his mistakes, and God showed him mercy.
  • God's mercy and grace help us understand who he is and what he wants to do in our lives.

God’s grace: the flawed heroes of the Bible prove our ability to be redeemed (1h32m47s)

  • The biblical heroes in the Old Testament are flawed people, which is a relief because it shows there is hope for everyone.
  • God's grace allows people to do good things badly and learn along the way.
  • The proper sacrificial intent gets the ball rolling.

Movie release information (1h32m47s)

  • The movie will be released nationwide on July 4th, with a first grand opening and premiere in Atlanta on July 3rd.

“Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot” - in theaters now (1h34m13s)

  • The movie "Possum Trot" aims to address societal problems like human trafficking, homelessness, and the prison population, which are rooted in the foster care system.
  • It encourages viewers to take responsibility and provides ways to get involved, such as spreading awareness, buying tickets, and visiting a website for more information.
  • The film promotes community involvement, including encouraging churches to provide resources for fostering or adopting, and connecting families in need with individuals willing to help through the Care Portal initiative.
  • It emphasizes the importance of subsidiary responsibility and local action to combat the growing fear of top-down tyranny and the disintegration of community.
  • The movie draws a connection between responsibility and meaning, suggesting that taking on responsibility leads to a fulfilling life, as exemplified by biblical figures like Abraham and Christ.
  • Adoption is presented as an alternative to abortion, with the argument that every child deserves a chance at life and that the church has enough resources to provide homes for all children in need.
  • The film highlights the urgent need to address the situation of children in the foster care system, as many lack stable homes.
  • The church is seen as a potential solution, with every church potentially providing a home for a child in need.
  • The movie emphasizes that the American Dream is not just about comfort and wealth, but also about the proper covenant between the individual and God.
  • The Daily Wire and Angel Studios are moving towards a practical relationship, which is seen as a positive development.
  • "Possum Trot" will be launched on July 4th, considered a great time for renewal.

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