Yuval Noah Harari: An Urgent Warning They Hope You Ignore. More War Is Coming!
12 Jan 2024 (1 year ago)

- Yuval Noah Harari discusses the potential dangers presented by new technologies, such as artificial intelligence.
- He emphasizes the need for humans to recognize the consequences of their actions and the impact of these technologies on society.
What Is Your Mission, and What Is Your Warning to the World?
- Harari's mission is to focus public conversation on the most pressing challenges facing humankind.
- He highlights the prevalence of fictions and stories in human history and the potential consequences of losing touch with reality.
- Most wars in history are not about territory or food but are rooted in different mythologies and stories held by opposing groups.
- Harari warns about the danger of being manipulated by fictions and stories as well as the limitations of artificial intelligence in uncovering truth and reality.
Is This the End of Humanity as We Know It?
- Harari suggests that humanity's ability to believe in fictions and stories, which made it successful and powerful, could potentially lead to its powerlessness and eventual transformation into something completely different through bioengineering and artificial intelligence.
- He speculates about the potential transformation of humans into cyborgs or non-organic entities and the irrelevance of organic evolution in shaping the future beings.
Connecting Computers to Human Brains
- Harari expresses skepticism about the possibility of directly connecting brains to computers and integrating them into cyborgs, as it is still not fully understood how the brain produces the mind.
- The potential of an interbrain net, connecting multiple brains and computers, raises questions about the capabilities and limitations of nonorganic brains or minds.
Concerns about AI
- Rapid advancements and widespread investment in AI are causing concern
- AI has enormous positive potential, but its dangers must also be addressed
- AI is fundamentally different from previous technological revolutions as it can make decisions and create new ideas by itself
- Historical analogies to previous revolutions are not accurate as AI has far-reaching implications that previous technologies did not
AI and Language
- Language has been crucial to human power and civilization throughout history
- Money and other financial systems are based on the stories and value we assign to them through language
- AI could create deep fakes of voices and images, leading to an arms race in communication security
- AI could potentially create new forms of money and financial devices that humans cannot understand, leading to implications for politics and government accountability
The Dangers of AI to the Financial System and Governments (27m35s)
- AI could create sophisticated financial systems that humans can't understand
- Regulations are needed to prevent AI from making financial systems too complex
- Trust in financial systems could shift from humans to non-human intelligence
- AI is different from previous technologies, making it more difficult to regulate
Do Humans Have Free Will, and Will AI Take It from Us? (37m56s)
- Humans' free will is often overestimated, and external factors influence decisions
- Human lives were traditionally centered around the drama of decision-making
- Algorithms are increasingly making decisions for humans, from loans to sentencing in the judicial system and even in dating apps
The Problems of AI Forging Relationships with Humans
- AIS are built to mimic intimacy, creating a vulnerability to manipulation due to increasing loneliness and digitalization
- There is a distinction between intelligence and consciousness, with AI having high intelligence but lacking consciousness
- Relationships with non-conscious entities that mimic consciousness may lead to psychological consequences and manipulation
Are We Happy?
- The rise in human power over the years has not translated to a corresponding increase in happiness
- Understanding happiness entails comprehending the deep dynamics of the mind and consciousness
Fighting Immortality and Its Consequences
- Pursuit of immortality may lead to psychological and societal consequences, as it challenges the scarcity and value of experiences and relationships
- Attaining a form of "a mortality" may result in anxiety and terror, as well as raise questions about the purpose of extending life indefinitely
Will Bioengineering Create Different Social Classes and Types of People?
- Artificial intelligence and bioengineering may create social and genetic disparities between the rich and the rest of society
- There is potential danger in altering genetic codes and implanting devices in the human body without fully understanding the consequences
- Powerful entities may enhance desirable qualities like intelligence while disregarding other important qualities, leading to societal imbalance
- Societies that choose to progress more slowly and safely may have an advantage in the long run
- The combination of powerful bioengineering and AI technologies is likely to lead to significant changes in the human species
Will AI Take Over Our Jobs?
- Most jobs may disappear, but new jobs will emerge, requiring continuous retraining and reinvention throughout people's lives
- The AI revolution will be an ongoing process, leading to continuous changes in job markets and the emergence of new types of jobs
- AI is currently better at automating cognitive jobs but struggles with jobs requiring motor and social skills
- Retraining and addressing job displacement will be a global challenge, and the issue of universal basic income raises questions about global economic equity
What Should We Teach Our Children to Be Prepared for the Future?
- It is challenging to predict specific skills that will be needed in the future due to the extreme volatility and rapid changes in the world
- Unlike in the past, when specific skills were predictable, the future job market and societal needs are uncertain
- The only certainty is that the world will continue to change rapidly, necessitating adaptability and flexibility in individuals and education systems
We're Entering a Scary New Era.
- The world is entering a new era of wars and potential imperialism.
- The global order, based on the liberal worldview, regulated relations between nations, creating peace.
- Attacks on the global order from both internal and external sources are leading to the demise of peace.
- Defense budgets around the world are increasing, leading to a vicious circle of escalation in military spending.
- This shift in budget allocation from social welfare to defense is a result of human decisions, not an inevitable outcome.
- The relatively peaceful era of the early 21st century was a result of wise decisions in previous decades.
What Should We Do to Stop/Change the Trajectory We're Heading Towards?
- To stop the trajectory towards more conflict and war, reinvest in rebuilding a global order based on universal values and norms, not narrow national interests.
- Trump's potential reelection could further damage the remaining global order.
- There is no contradiction between patriotism and global cooperation; both can coexist.
- Global norms and values are essential to prevent global conflict and war.
The Importance of Disconnecting from Information
- Keeping a balanced information diet is essential for mental health and well-being.
- Investing time in regular meditation and yearly retreats leads to a clear benefit, allowing for balanced perspective and peace of mind.
- Continuous exposure to news and information leads to loss of perspective and peace of mind.
- Human brains are not built to constantly process information and react 24/7.
What Media Corporations Want from You
- Media corporations measure success by user engagement, valuing outrage and attention over joy and even sleep.
- Algorithms on social media platforms are designed to be addictive and compete for users' attention.
- The competition for human attention through algorithms is at an early stage, with potentially more intense developments to come.
We Need More Boredom in the World and Politics
- Society is overly excited and lacks boredom, which is essential for peace of mind.
- Constant exposure to exciting videos via technology diminishes the ability to handle boredom.
- The brain's craving for excitement has led to a loss of the ability to be bored.
- Profound peace of mind requires the ability to handle boredom.
Is There Hope for Humanity?
- Current times lack the optimism and peace experienced during the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Iron Curtain.
- Each individual holds agency and the responsibility to make a difference by focusing on one thing and cooperating with others.
- The human superpower is the ability to cooperate in large numbers, which is essential for effecting change.
The Importance of History for Our Future
- Studying history provides perspective on the process of change, guiding present decision-making.
- Humans have the capacity to create and change the world, and understanding history is crucial for recognizing what can be changed.