Why NYC Mayor Eric Adams Isn't Worried About Approval Ratings

18 Jul 2024 (7 months ago)
Why NYC Mayor Eric Adams Isn't Worried About Approval Ratings

Eric Adams' Administration

  • Despite low approval ratings, Mayor Eric Adams believes his administration will be remembered positively for its accomplishments.
  • Adams is addressing various challenges, including homelessness, budget cuts, police misconduct payouts, and a federal corruption investigation.
  • The city is receiving buses of migrants from Texas, straining resources, but Adams is unable to take certain actions due to legal restrictions.
  • Adams criticizes Texas Governor Abbott but not former President Trump for the migrant situation and believes the federal government should provide more funding.

Migrant Crisis

  • New York City is experiencing a surge in migrants, with an estimated 200,000 arrivals since spring 2022, straining the city's shelter system and resources.
  • Mayor Adams has been vocal about the challenges of managing the influx and the associated costs, estimated at $12 billion.
  • Adams has made multiple trips to Washington, D.C., to discuss the issue with the White House and seek federal assistance.

Leadership and Challenges

  • Despite low approval ratings, Adams remains focused on authentic leadership and connecting with New Yorkers emotionally.
  • Adams practices the Wim Hof method to manage stress and discomfort.
  • Adams acknowledges the challenges of being mayor, including constant criticism and the need to be prepared for crises.

Public Safety

  • While crime statistics show a decrease in gun crime and homicides, several violent incidents on subways and persistent poverty and homelessness have impacted the city's perception of safety.
  • Adams emphasizes increasing police presence in the subway system to create a sense of safety for riders.
  • Adams warns against creating policies out of fear, as they can lead to overreactions and ineffective solutions.
  • Balancing public safety and individual liberty is a complex challenge, especially in the context of crime and public emergencies.

Emotional Toll

  • Vicarious trauma is a real concern for city employees who constantly deal with the pains and challenges of the people they serve.
  • As mayor, the responsibility to keep the city safe can be overwhelming, leading to self-doubt and the constant pursuit of improvement.
  • Despite the challenges and criticisms, Adams remains committed to giving his all and leaving everything he has, like hockey legend Wayne Gretzky.

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