80% of Houses Have This Issue | Dr. Scott McMahon & Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker | EP 415
19 Jan 2024 (1 year ago)

Tour Update (0s)
- Jordan Peterson announces his 2024 tour, visiting 51 cities in the US.
- The tour will cover ideas from his upcoming book, "We Who Wrestle with God," to be released in November 2024.
Coming up (40s)
- Lead is a known neurotoxin, and its use in gasoline and wine sealing contributed to a decrease in IQ worldwide.
Intro (59s)
- Dr. Jordan Peterson introduces Dr. Richie Shoemaker and Dr. Scott McMahon, experts in chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS).
- CIRS is linked to conditions like sick building syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer's, and other degenerative neurological conditions.
- Exposure to biotoxins in water-damaged buildings, especially those with anti-fungal paints, can trigger an immunological response with various neurological and behavioral consequences.
- The military faces a particular problem with low-grade military housing often suffering from water damage and mold infestation.
The CIRS rabbit hole (3m32s)
- Dr. Shoemaker explains CIRS and its widespread prevalence.
- Over 95% of CIRS patients have defective antigen processing, leading to reduced or absent antibody production.
- CIRS involves both inflammation and metabolic abnormalities, resulting in molecular hypometabolism in 95% of chronic fatigue patients.
- Genetic mechanisms underlie defective antigen presentation and inflammation, and therapies have been developed to correct gene activation and suppression.
- CIRS research aims to correct dieback central nervous system degeneration, including conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS.
- Dr. McMahon discusses the link between CIRS and living in water-damaged buildings.
- Inhalation of microbial growth from molds, bacteria, or actinobacteria triggers the innate immune system, leading to overproduction of cytokines and symptoms similar to the flu.
What percentage of buildings are affected? (11m18s)
- Many buildings harbor airborne pathogens, with mold being the most common, especially in water-damaged buildings.
- Chronic exposure to these pathogens can trigger an immune response, leading to flu-like symptoms, pain, and chronic inflammation in susceptible individuals.
- The percentage of affected buildings in North America and worldwide is significant, with estimates ranging from 50% to 85% according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
- Water intrusion is a common factor in affected buildings.
How natural selection created super toxins (17m55s)
- Natural selection favored molds and other biohazards that could tolerate exposure to antifungal chemicals in paints and sealants.
- As a result, these organisms became more toxic in order to survive, producing more potent toxins.
- Fungi respond to environmental hazards by activating genes that produce toxins for predation, not defense.
- Actino bacteria thrive in alkaline environments created by substances that kill fungi, changing the pH of drywall over time.
- Different groups of fungi and bacteria colonize water-damaged buildings at different stages, depending on the water saturation level.
Susceptible architecture, unintended consequences (20m20s)
- Certain architectural features make buildings more likely to become water damaged, such as flat roofs, basements, and crawl spaces.
- Drywall is more prone to problems compared to plaster on lathe.
- The widespread use of drywall in the latter half of the 20th century, combined with the use of fungicides in paints, has contributed to the contamination of a significant number of buildings.
What level of contamination constitutes a critical issue? (22m48s)
- Individual susceptibility plays a crucial role in determining who gets sick from exposure to contaminated buildings.
- Studies have shown that around 95% of individuals with a specific immune response gene (HLA-DR) develop symptoms when exposed to contaminated environments.
- Long COVID and chronic inflammatory and metabolic response syndrome can be triggered by an initial priming event, such as COVID-19 infection, in individuals living in contaminated buildings.
3/4ths of people are at risk (26m25s)
- 75% of buildings are contaminated with pathogens that could produce an immune hyperresponse.
- 25% of the population in those buildings is particularly susceptible due to a genetic predisposition to immune overreaction.
- 20% of the population may be experiencing chronic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) as a serious problem.
Overlapping symptoms, bio-markers suggest it’s not coincidence (29m20s)
- Many different illnesses have overlapping symptoms, making diagnosis difficult.
- Depression, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and SIRS all have similar symptoms.
- Current diagnostic methods often misdiagnose these illnesses.
- SIRS can be distinguished from other illnesses by its specific biomarkers.
The prime biomarkers and why they are valid (34m23s)
- SIRS has 30 biomarkers that can distinguish ill people from healthy people.
- The more biomarkers a person has, the less likely it is that the diagnosis is a false positive.
- The prime biomarkers for SIRS are:
- HLA (human leukocyte antigen)
- VCS (visual contrast sensitivity)
- MSH (melanoid stimulating hormone)
- Cytokindes
- TGF beta 1
- These biomarkers have been validated through research and clinical trials.
How they test for CIRS using capillary blood cell speed (39m56s)
- CIRS can be tested using capillary blood cell speed.
- A visual contrast sensitivity test is used to test retinal acuity.
- Reduced flow of red blood cells in the retinal blood vessels and capillary beds is a sign of inflammation.
- Retinal flow can be measured objectively with a Heidelberg retinal flow meter.
- Treatment can improve flow and restore normal flow to equal controls.
- Reexposure to environmental triggers can cause the same findings to return.
Response time and tendency to occur (43m4s)
- Retinal tissue is closely analogous to brain tissue.
- Retinal dysfunction may be linked to broader central nervous system dysfunction or brain dysfunction.
- The same mechanism of cytokine response in capillary beds occurs regardless of the trigger (e.g., fungus, bacteria, flu).
- Treatment can separate cytokines, but skeptics can be convinced by demonstrating that Voodoo medicine does not work while treatment does.
- Reinstating the illness after treatment with reexposure provides direct causality.
Behavioral, cognitive, and emotional symptoms (48m36s)
- People with CIRS may experience decreased red blood flow to different parts of the body, including the hands, feet, and brain.
- Reduced blood flow can lead to cold hands or feet, cramping, pain, and discoloration.
- Decreased blood flow to the brain can cause brain fog and potentially lead to cellular death and neurologic illnesses.
How they evaluate brain function (51m15s)
- Evaluating brain function involves assessing symptoms, biomarkers, and illnesses associated with toxin exposure.
Symptoms (51m45s)
- Fatigue and weakness
- Aching and cramping, especially in legs and hands
- Respiratory issues: cough, shortness of breath, sinus congestion
- Eye findings: red eyes, blurred vision, tearing, sensitivity to bright light
- Lung involvement: restricted lung disease, not obstructive
- Abdominal pain, secretory diarrhea, vomiting, nausea
- Joint problems: soreness, stiffness, especially in the morning and after sitting for long periods
- Cognitive issues: difficulty with memory, assimilation of new knowledge, concentration, and disorientation
- Changes in appetite, weight, sweats, and night sweats
Biomarkers (54m55s)
- Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) test
- Symptom analysis and symptom clusters
- Factor analysis of symptoms
Common illnesses (56m25s)
- Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
- Fibromyalgia
- Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Gulf War syndrome
- Autism
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Bipolar disorder
- Schizophrenia
Common illnesses and conditions that may actually be CIRS (56m52s)
- CIRS may be associated with a higher risk of Alzheimer's in Finland due to architectural designs that make houses more susceptible to biotoxins.
- CIRS symptoms can be detected decades before Alzheimer's develops, as seen in studies of nuns' writing samples.
- Verbal fluency tests may be useful markers for cognitive interference in CIRS.
- CIRS can cause various neurological degenerative conditions, including tremors, metallic taste, dizziness, vertigo, and cognitive deficits.
- Neuroquant, a brain imaging technique, can detect abnormalities in CIRS patients and can be used to monitor treatment progress.
- Different patterns of brain damage are associated with CIRS caused by water-damaged buildings (enlarged forebrain parenchyma, enlarged cortical gray matter, and atrophied caudate nucleus) and Lyme disease (enlarged putamen and atrophied caudate nucleus).
- VIP (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) therapy has been shown to stop or reverse caudate nucleus and multinuclear atrophy in CIRS patients.
Treatment for CIRS (1h19m6s)
- Treatment for CIRS involves:
- Identifying and eliminating exposure to the source of biotoxins (e.g., water-damaged buildings).
- Using binders such as cholestyramine or Welchol to remove biotoxins from the body.
- Following Dr. Shoemaker's protocol, which involves a series of steps to address different systems of inflammation.
- Considering intranasal VIP therapy if symptoms do not improve after the above steps.
Intensification and inflammation reduction (1h12m57s)
- Intensification: worsening of symptoms when starting binder treatment.
- Pre-treatment with compounds that reduce inflammatory response (e.g., Omega-3 fatty acids) can reduce intensification.
- For people with marchons or Lyme disease, low-dose VIP can be used as the first step to reduce intensification.
How should CIRS impact social interaction? (1h16m55s)
- CIRS can make travel and visiting others more difficult due to sensitivity to toxins.
- Recovery from CIRS and maintaining a clean environment can help reduce susceptibility to relapse.
- Medications can be taken on a prophylactic basis to reduce the risk of relapse when traveling or in high-risk environments.
Is CIRS causing Obesity? (1h20m36s)
- Leptin resistance, associated with obesity, can lead to decreased production of MSH, resulting in fatigue, pain, and weight gain.
- CIRS can contribute to obesity through molecular hypometabolism and weight storage mechanisms.
- Research has found that activating brown fat and increasing energy consumption can help combat weight storage and fat storage.
The GOV found their research credible, then ignored them (1h22m38s)
- The researchers presented their findings to the House and Senate Armed Services Committee, resulting in a $300 million appropriation for investigating military housing.
- The report highlighted the presence of mold and infestations in military housing, potentially affecting troop readiness and the mental and physical health of service members and their families.
Falling into misdiagnoses (1h25m26s)
- Misdiagnosis of CIRS can lead to attributing physiological alterations to psychological conditions.
- Depression and anxiety, common symptoms of CIRS, can be mistaken for psychological factors, overlooking the underlying physiological causes.
- It's important to consider CIRS as a potential cause of chronic headaches and abdominal pains in children and adults.
CIRS and children (1h26m40s)
- CIRS is prevalent in children with chronic headaches and abdominal pains.
- Evaluation for CIRS and appropriate treatment can significantly reduce or eliminate these symptoms in children.
- CIRS is often overlooked as a cause of chronic stomach pains in adults, but testing for CIRS biomarkers can lead to effective treatment.
How genetics drives susceptibility (1h29m12s)
- 25% of people are susceptible to CIRS due to physiological and genetic reasons.
- Genetic markers can indicate susceptibility to CIRS.
- Ribosomes, the structures that make proteins, can be affected by toxins, leading to impaired protein production and cell dysfunction.
- Mitochondrial dysfunction occurs, with glucose being broken down into lactic acid instead of being used for energy production.
- Metabolic acidosis, lack of regulatory T cells, gray matter nuclear atrophy, pulmonary hypertension, obesity, and insulin resistance are complications of metabolic abnormalities.
- Insulin receptor substrate 2 (IRS2) can affect glucose uptake and metabolism, impacting the effectiveness of diets like the keto diet and the carnivore diet.
- Defective apoptosis (programmed cell death) leads to an increased antigen load in the bloodstream, contributing to inflammation.
- Genetic markers associated with defective apoptosis, such as RPK1, can indicate an endogenous source of CIRS.
- Upregulation of coagulation factors can bind to TA and T beta in the brain, creating microclots and contributing to Alzheimer's disease.
- Increased cytokines and specific markers for endotoxins, such as TGFBR1 and MAP3K8, indicate actinobacteria injury.
Alzheimer’s Disease (1h36m43s)
- Susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease is separate from CIRS susceptibility.
- Genetic markers associated with microtubule disruption, such as TUBA4A and DUB1, are linked to dieback neuropathy and cognitive impairment.
- Coagulation abnormalities and vascular phenomena contribute to cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease.
- Energy flow abnormalities and blood flow abnormalities can be identified in CIRS patients.