Why not asking for what you want is holding you back | Kenneth Berger (exec coach, first PM @Slack)
20 May 2024 (4 months ago)
- Kenneth Berger is a former product manager at Slack and an executive coach.
- He transitioned into coaching to help startup leaders avoid burnout and achieve their goals.
- His core focus is teaching leaders how to ask for what they want.
- People pleasers tend to hope that others will read their minds and fulfill their needs.
- Control freaks tend to order people around and expect immediate compliance.
- Complaints can be a source of inspiration for envisioning a better future.
- Asking for what you want increases the chances of getting it.
- To figure out what you want, pay attention to your complaints and envision a better future.
- Asking for what you want effectively involves:
- Overcoming resistance.
- Communicating your desires clearly.
- Listening to the response you receive.
- Listening to the response to your request is crucial.
- The response can provide valuable information and insights.
- It allows for adjustments and further discussions to reach a mutually beneficial outcome.
- Improved communication and relationships.
- Increased confidence and self-esteem.
- Greater satisfaction and fulfillment in personal and professional life.
- Ability to achieve goals and aspirations more effectively.
- Asking for what you want is crucial for integrity and personal fulfillment.
- Many people deceive themselves about genuinely pursuing what they want in life.
- Not asking for what you want leads to stress, frustration, and unhappiness.
- People get stuck in the same frustrating situations due to not asking for what they want or not learning from their experiences.
- Interpersonal conflict can arise from holding back or coming across as entitled when asking for what you want.
- Kenneth Berger shares a personal example of how his attachment to being right hindered his ability to ask for what he wanted.
- He emphasizes the importance of being open to other ideas and perspectives, rather than assuming that one is always right.
- Berger stresses that going into a meeting with a sense of righteousness can be disrespectful and hinder productive conversations.
- Indicators that you need to work on asking for what you want include feeling stuck in your career or experiencing frequent interpersonal conflicts.
- High-stakes situations can exacerbate the difficulty of asking for what you want, as the fear of negative outcomes can overshadow the desire for positive outcomes.
- When the stakes feel high, people tend to focus more on avoiding what they don't want rather than achieving what they do want.
- Knowing what you want and asking for it is essential for personal fulfillment.
- The "dream behind the complaint" technique helps uncover underlying desires by examining complaints.
- Complaining implies a better world where the complaint is resolved, revealing a vision of what one truly wants.
- Articulating what you want is the first step in the process of asking for it.
- The resistance to asking for what you want often stems from the fear of failure, rejection, or not getting it.
- The process of asking for what you want involves articulating your dream, asking for it, and accepting the response, whether positive or negative.
- Redefine "no" as anything short of an enthusiastic "hell yes".
- Accept "no" as valuable data to help you refine your approach.
- Don't settle for a "maybe" or "I'll try"; ask for what you truly want.
- Reframe the conversation to find a mutually agreeable solution.
- A "hell yes" is when someone fully agrees and is enthusiastic about something.
- A "yes" without enthusiasm often leads to lack of follow-through.
- Pay attention to your body's cues to recognize a genuine "hell yes".
- This concept applies to all areas of life, not just startups.
- In the startup world, you must be comfortable with uncertainty and failure.
- Embrace the perspective of pursuing meaningful goals even without guaranteed success.
- Detach from the expectation of getting what you want and focus on the value of pursuing it.
- Clearly articulate your wants without being overly attached to the outcome.
- Focus on realistic social-emotional goals rather than unrealistic expectations.
- Provide specific feedback and consequences when necessary, even if it's difficult.
- Strive for alignment, but be prepared to "disagree and commit" when necessary.
- Don't be afraid to ask for what you want, even if it means upsetting others.
- It's important to come to terms with what you truly want to do, even if it means upsetting people.
- Paying attention to what would make things better or run more efficiently is a way to identify what you want.
- An integrity check involves fully expressing yourself, including acknowledging and expressing your feelings.
- Articulating what you want requires mindfulness and checking for unexpressed parts of yourself.
- Expressing what you want can alleviate suffering and fear that arise from holding it in.
- Integrity is key to figuring out what you want.
- Look for opportunities to fully express yourself.
- Pay attention to recurring thoughts or desires that you haven't addressed.
- Expressing what you want is about mindfulness and self-awareness.
- Asking for what you want intentionally involves recognizing the rut you get stuck in and working through the narratives that make you resist asking differently.
- People who don't want to ask often have stories that say it's too risky or not worth it.
- Not asking for what you want has a serious cost, as you end up not expressing who you are and what you stand for in the world.
- It's important to bring compassion for yourself when asking for what you want, as there's no guarantee that people won't be mad or that you'll get your dreams come true.
- Not pursuing your dreams because of the fear of upsetting others is not worth it.
- People often underestimate their influence and power.
- Your relationships and opinions matter, even without data to support them.
- Being humble and vulnerable when asking for what you want can be effective.
- Leaning on data as a crutch can prevent you from speaking up.
- Gut opinions and subject matter expertise are valuable, even without hard data.
- Balancing asking clearly with great humility is important.
- Expressing disagreement and preferences while acknowledging others' perspectives can be effective.
- People care about your opinion and you can influence change by sharing it.
- Relying solely on data can overlook the value of relationships and personal beliefs.
- Being vulnerable and putting your thoughts out there, even without concrete evidence, can be powerful.
- Complaints can be a sign that you should be asking for what you want.
- Complaints can be great inspiration for envisioning a better future and finding an effective way to communicate your desires.
- Embrace the frustration and complaining, and follow that thread down to find an effective way to move towards your goals.
- Embrace the "whiny" part of yourself and take what it has to say as important data.
- Internal family systems is a psychotherapy technique that talks about the different parts of ourselves and how they don't always agree with each other.
- Embracing and validating all of our parts is important for asking effectively.
- If we ignore the part that's scared to ask, we'll stay stuck.
- By embracing our fears and acknowledging them, we can soften them and move past them.
- Carol Robin, who taught a class at Stanford on interpersonal skills, shared a framework for giving feedback that people can receive.
- The template for giving feedback is:
- When you do [behavior], I feel [feeling].
- Be specific about the feeling, not just "I feel like" or "I feel that."
- State the reason for giving the feedback, and what you want the person to change.
- This approach is similar to Nonviolent Communication and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), which emphasize staying factual and focusing on thoughts, feelings, and observations.
- Avoid getting distracted by stories or interpretations of the data.
- Be clear and specific about what you want.
- Accepting the response is challenging because people tend to be biased towards hearing a "yes" and may over or under-accept a "no".
- Over-accepting a "no" means believing it is permanent and never asking again.
- Under-accepting a "no" means disregarding it and disrespecting the other person's ability to consent.
- Genuine respect for the other person's decision can actually be more influential and motivating than trying to force or coerce them.
- Preparing for rejection and understanding that "no" is a common response is important.
- Acceptance of the response is primarily an emotional regulation issue, as it involves managing the negative feelings that come with hearing "no".
- Getting good at asking for what you want requires recognizing that hearing "no" is normal and learning from it to try different approaches in the future.
- Kenneth Berger, a former PM at Slack, was fired and rehired three times due to misalignment of expectations and lack of communication.
- Initially overconfident, he failed to clarify his goals and the company culture, leading to misunderstandings and his first termination.
- Despite being rehired, he became a people pleaser, fearing consequences and negatively impacting his job satisfaction and relationship with the CEO.
- Not expressing desires can result in negative outcomes, while articulating them increases the chances of fulfillment.
- Inability to handle rejections and criticisms can lead to self-deception and blaming others, emphasizing the importance of emotional regulation in accepting and learning from negative feedback.
- Staying true to oneself, even in difficult situations, is crucial for personal and professional growth.
- Asking for what you want, listening to feedback, and maintaining authenticity can help turn around challenging circumstances.
- Articulating desires and intentionally creating outcomes are essential for success, even if the desired outcome is not guaranteed.
- The practice of asking for what you want is not just about achieving specific goals, but also about maintaining integrity and avoiding suffering.
- Establishing a positive working relationship with the CEO or founders is essential for success as the first PM at a startup.
- Have an open and honest conversation with the founders when you're first hired to clarify expectations and roles.
- Don't hesitate to express your needs and wants, as many founders may appreciate your honesty.
- Overcome the fear of not being good enough by recognizing that fear is not always functional and that focusing on a vision and goals is more effective.
- Find intrinsic motivation and align actions with one's desires for sustainable goal achievement rather than relying solely on discipline.
- The speaker does not believe in strict discipline as a long-term solution for motivation.
- Shouting or being strict may work for a short time but not for years.
- True long-term motivation comes from relying on vision and pursuing what you want.
- Knowing what you want, asking for it, and dealing with the answers you get are key to achieving your goals.
- Kenneth Berger, a former product manager at Slack and current executive coach, recommends several resources for personal and professional development:
- "Radical Candor" by Kim Scott and "The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership" for personal growth.
- Johnny Miller's "Nervous System Mastery" course for understanding how to work through resistance.
- The Netflix documentary "Breakpoint" for insights into the mental side of tennis and overcoming self-limiting beliefs.
- The movie "Living" for its exploration of finding purpose and fulfillment in life.
- Berger also emphasizes the importance of asking for what you want and encourages individuals to be more assertive in pursuing their goals.
- He recommends joining his LinkedIn community and subscribing to his newsletter for further discussions and ideas on this topic.
- Berger is currently writing a book about asking for what you want and values community feedback to enhance its effectiveness.