130. Best Of: How to Maintain a Powerful Presence in Your Communication | Think Fast, Talk...
22 Feb 2024 (12 months ago)

Introduction (0s)
- Matt Abrahams introduces the topic of power and presence in communication.
- Stanford Graduate School of Business offers Executive Education programs to enhance leadership skills.
- Power and presence are crucial for effective communication.
Defining Power and Status (1m31s)
- Jeff Feffer defines power as the ability to get things done despite opposition.
- Feffer's class on power and status is popular because he provides practical advice on achieving goals in challenging situations.
- Feffer believes that people appreciate honesty and truthfulness in communication.
Nonverbal & Verbal Behaviors to Communicate Power (2m45s)
- Avoid tilting your head, looking down, hunching over, and constricting your body.
- Maintain eye contact, stand up straight, use expansive postures, and use forceful gestures.
- Be big, balanced, and still to demonstrate presence.
- Speak loudly, be moderately impolite, and interrupt others.
- Avoid being interrupted.
- Use simple, forceful, and vivid language.
- Keep your answers direct and simple.
- Filler words and words of hesitation can weaken your communication and make you appear less powerful.
- Avoid using filler words and words of hesitation such as "kind of" and "sort of".
Emotion and Power (5m46s)
- Avoid filler words and speak fluently.
- Display strong emotions like anger to convey power and get results.
- Passion, conviction, and confidence are contagious.
- Use strong language and body language to display confidence.
- Avoid hedging language and be passionate about what you're saying.
- Strong emotions can drive non-verbal and verbal behavior.
Virtual Communication (9m11s)
- Dress and show up the way you want people to perceive you.
- Take up half the screen and avoid sitting too far away during virtual communication.
- People read a lot on faces, so ensure your face is visible and well-lit.
Communicating Across Power Levels (10m55s)
- When communicating with someone of higher status or power, ensure your message is concise and direct.
- Lead with the most important part of your message.
- Show up in a way that demonstrates you should be taken seriously.
- Consider your body language and spoken language.
Tailoring Messages with Flattery (12m6s)
- Flatter the person you are communicating with.
- Research suggests that there is no such thing as too much flattery.
- Show them how much you admire and respect them.
- Express your happiness to be in their presence.
The Importance of ‘Warming Up’ (13m33s)
- Warming up before communication is crucial for a powerful presence.
- Warm-up includes getting your voice and body ready, as well as calming yourself.
- Many people focus on what they're saying but neglect preparing their bodies, minds, and voices.
- Virtual communication offers advantages as you can warm up without being seen.
The Final Three Questions (16m33s)
- The final three questions are:
- Who is a communicator that you admire and why?
- What are the first three ingredients that go into a successful communication recipe?
- Tell me a little bit more about forcefulness.
Conclusion and Appreciation (19m20s)
- The podcast host thanks Jeff for his detailed advice and guidance.
- The host encourages listeners to sit up straighter, talk louder, and be more forceful to have a strong presence.
- The host mentions other episodes and resources on power and status.
- The host invites listeners to subscribe, rate, and follow the podcast on various platforms.