Potential Solutions to Fix Mass Indoctrination | Eric Kaufmann | EP 453

07 Jun 2024 (7 months ago)
Potential Solutions to Fix Mass Indoctrination | Eric Kaufmann | EP 453

Coming up (0s)

  • Surveys in the US, Britain, and Canada show that the public leans about two to one against "woke" positions, such as teaching kids that Canada is a racist country or that there are many genders.
  • In a democracy, the majority of the population would support political neutrality and balance in the curriculum.
  • Conservative politicians need to focus more on culture.

Intro (39s)

  • Eric Kaufmann is a Canadian author and professor from the University of Buckingham.
  • He has written several books, including "Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?" and "The Rise and Fall of Anglo America."
  • He is a relatively conservative social scientist, and he believes that much of what is happening on the culture war front is not due to the invasion of Marxists or postmodernism, but rather to progressive literalism with its roots in the early 20th century.
  • He also discusses the different political beliefs that are emerging between men and young women.

“The Third Awokening” explained (2m26s)

  • Eric Kaufmann's new book, "The Third Awokening" (titled "Taboo" in Britain), argues that cancel culture and attacks on the past are not deviations from the norm, but rather an acceleration of pre-existing ideas.
  • Kaufmann identifies these ideas as left liberalism, which emerged in the early 20th century and has been gaining momentum since the late 1960s, particularly with the advent of social media.
  • He describes three "awakenings" or emotional outbursts and ideological awakenings:
    • The first in the late 1960s, marked by events such as the Black Panthers occupying buildings and demanding changes in academia.
    • The second in the late 1980s and early 1990s, characterized by political correctness, Afrocentrism, and speech codes.
    • The third, which began after 2010, is characterized by the making sacred of historically marginalized race, gender, and sexual identity groups.
  • Kaufmann proposes several potential solutions to address mass indoctrination:
    • Encourage critical thinking and skepticism: Promote the development of critical thinking skills and encourage individuals to question and evaluate information rather than blindly accepting it.
    • Support free speech and open dialogue: Protect freedom of speech and allow for open and respectful dialogue, even on controversial topics, to foster a marketplace of ideas and prevent the suppression of dissenting viewpoints.
    • Promote intellectual diversity: Encourage intellectual diversity in academia and other institutions to ensure a variety of perspectives and prevent the dominance of a single ideology.
    • Rethink the role of social media: Address the negative impact of social media echo chambers and algorithms that reinforce existing beliefs and limit exposure to diverse viewpoints.
    • Reintroduce civics education: Emphasize civics education to teach individuals about their rights and responsibilities as citizens and promote an understanding of the importance of democratic principles and institutions.
    • Encourage personal responsibility: Encourage individuals to take personal responsibility for their own beliefs and actions, rather than relying solely on external authorities or groupthink.

Where the instinctive feminine ethos goes wrong (7m31s)

  • The woke phenomena is influenced by liberal progressivism, compassion, and emotion.
  • A study identified "politically correct authoritarianism," which deviates from liberal progressivism and uses compulsion and force.
  • Predictors of adopting politically correct authoritarian beliefs include low verbal intelligence, being female, having a female temperament, and taking politically correct courses.
  • The increasing female domination of the humanities and social sciences, especially among young women, contributes to the spread of woke ideology.
  • Young women are more likely to support cancel culture and radical left views compared to other demographic groups.
  • Women tend to support the prevailing moral order, whether it's woke, religious, or patriotic, while men are more likely to be contrarians.
  • Compassion is influenced by ideology, and women's compassion is often directed towards those deemed worthy by the dominant ideology.

What changed in 2004? (16m16s)

  • In 2004, women started to shift their political priorities.
  • TikTok is a particularly pernicious influence on young women, fostering campus protests through short videos that focus on compassion for war victims.
  • Young women are differentially sensitive to a certain kind of propaganda and increasingly occupy majority positions in university institutions.
  • This creates a new social problem as we have no historical precedent for female-dominant large institutions.
  • Political donations shifted towards the Democrats around the same time.
  • George W. Bush's populist style of conservatism did not resonate with elite opinion formers, leading them to drift away from the Republican party.
  • Women tend to reflect the dominant ethos in society, so if the ethos swung against wokeness, women would be at the forefront of that change.
  • The author approaches these issues from a sociology of emotions perspective, arguing that ideas can tell people which emotions to turn off and which to express.
  • Women tend to back up and reinforce the dominant values and ideology of the elites in society.

Why do women tend to back up the current elite’s ideology? (20m9s)

  • The education system has shifted towards promoting progressive ideologies, with concepts like critical race theory being taught in schools and universities.
  • Women are more likely than men to support progressive causes, even when it goes against their own interests as a group.
  • This may be due to the fact that women are socialized to be more empathetic and self-sacrificing, and they may see progressive causes as a way to help marginalized groups.
  • Expose people to a variety of perspectives and encourage critical thinking.
  • Promote free speech and open debate on university campuses.
  • Encourage people to question authority and to think for themselves.
  • Support independent media and alternative sources of information.
  • Educate people about the dangers of mass indoctrination and how to resist it.

How can we save universities? (23m51s)

  • Faculties of Education have a monopoly on teacher certification in North America.
  • Educational research is often counterproductive and promotes fads.
  • K-12 education consumes 50% of state budgets in the US, and graduates of education faculties heavily influence this system.
  • Students are largely formed by the time they enter university, and their views don't change much during their time there.
  • K-12 education should be a top priority for conservative politicians to turn things around.

You “die into” your adult personality (27m33s)

  • People tend to believe that their culture peaked in terms of quality during their teenage years.
  • There is significant neural reorganization and pruning of neurons during adolescence.
  • The critical period for establishing tribal identity may occur before university, possibly coinciding with the development of musical preferences.

When beliefs solidify and how new ones propagate (29m4s)

  • Beliefs tend to solidify in early 20s and persist throughout life.
  • Secularism, which started with young people, has maintained non-religion through life.
  • Beliefs held by millennials and zoomers will become more prevalent as they age and become the median voter and employee.
  • Support for political correctness is higher among young people and academics, and this is likely to increase in the future.
  • Education:
    • Teach critical thinking and media literacy to help people evaluate information and resist indoctrination.
    • Promote open dialogue and debate on campuses and in society to foster a culture of free speech and intellectual diversity.
  • Media:
    • Encourage media outlets to present diverse perspectives and avoid sensationalism.
    • Support independent media and alternative platforms that provide a voice to marginalized viewpoints.
  • Policy:
    • Enact laws that protect freedom of speech and prevent censorship.
    • Reform education policies to ensure academic freedom and prevent the spread of ideological bias.
  • Individual Action:
    • Be open to new ideas and perspectives, and challenge your own beliefs.
    • Engage in civil discourse with people who have different viewpoints.
    • Support organizations that promote free speech and intellectual diversity.

The loss of cultural power, white guilt (33m19s)

  • Sacred identities are axiomatic starting points that form the foundation of a belief system.
  • Secularism cannot replace religion because a new set of sacred axioms will emerge.
  • Race, gender, and sexuality have become the new sacred axioms, replacing previous religious beliefs.
  • The Civil Rights Movement led to the loss of cultural power by whites, resulting in virtue signaling, affirmative action programs, and diversity training.
  • Race is emphasized as a sacred concept, driven by fear and alarmism among conservatives.
  • Microaggressions are subtle forms of discrimination that can be difficult to identify and address.
  • Microaggressions can be stretched across different groups and situations, making them a powerful tool for discrimination.

Cluster B types and the insane denial of the radical Left’s existence (38m37s)

  • Cluster B personality disorders, including antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders, are resistant to treatment and should not be considered illnesses.
  • Individuals with Cluster B personality traits use manipulation, psychopathy, emotional display, narcissism, and sadism to gain power over others.
  • Progressive liberals often enable radical leftists by dismissing the dangers of Cluster B psychopaths and believing they don't mean what they say.
  • Social media allows Cluster B types to engage in psychopathic manipulation without the restrictions of face-to-face interaction.
  • The large group of liberal left academics in universities supports mandatory diversity statements, creating a symbiotic relationship between the authoritarian left and the liberal left.

Where the Left goes too far (44m28s)

  • Left liberalism has no boundaries on cultural issues such as diversity, inclusion, and equality.
  • The left's pursuit of these ideals can lead to negative consequences, such as excessive diversity harming economic development and trust.
  • The left's unwillingness to recognize the need to optimize rather than maximize these ideals leads to issues like speech codes and the suppression of potentially offensive speech.

What self-esteem actually is (47m9s)

  • Self-esteem is a concept that lacks construct validity and is essentially a measure of trait neuroticism minus extroversion.
  • Women have lower levels of self-esteem due to higher levels of neuroticism, which increases during puberty.
  • The educational and social psychologists have perpetuated the belief in self-esteem despite its lack of scientific basis.
  • Attempts to maximize self-esteem are misguided as it is largely determined by temperament and has a strong genetic foundation.
  • Neuroticism, which is related to self-esteem, does not differ between boys and girls before puberty but becomes more pronounced in women worldwide.
  • Efforts to lower people's self-esteem are futile as it targets a non-existent concept and relies on ideological rather than scientific means.

Potential solutions to fix mass indoctrination (48m40s)

  • Eric Kaufmann suggests two approaches to address mass indoctrination: libertarian (market-based solutions) and interventionist (government-led solutions).
  • He leans more towards interventionist solutions.
  • In the media, barriers to entry are low, allowing individuals to create podcasts and have a significant impact, similar to Joe Rogan.
  • However, in sectors like universities and tech firms (especially search engines), natural monopolies and market failures exist.
  • For example, Harvard's reputation creates a first-mover advantage that makes it difficult for other institutions to challenge its ranking.
  • School choice alone may not be sufficient to address indoctrination.
  • Surveys show that students from private, parochial, and even homeschooled backgrounds do not differ significantly in their views or exposure to critical race and gender theory.
  • Homeschooling may offer slightly less exposure to gender ideology, but the effect is not substantial.
  • Most parents prioritize their children's admission to top universities over ideological concerns, leading to the majority of students being subjected to the same indoctrination.
  • Intervention is necessary to address the public school system.
  • Initiatives like those by Ron DeSantis in Florida, which aim to ban DEI and monitor indoctrination in schools, are examples of interventionist solutions.

Dr. Peterson’s concern with Christopher Rufo (53m15s)

  • Establishing a precedent for politicians to directly control university curricula can be dangerous.
  • While Rufo's work in Florida is understandable given the current state of universities, it opens the door for mass intervention in education for ideological reasons.
  • A distinction should be made between K-12 education, where minors are required to attend and must conform to the teacher's views, and universities, where academics have academic freedom.
  • At the university level, critical race theory should not be banned but can be defunded by state governments, allowing it to be taught if people choose to take it.

We need to stop cherry-picking racism in history (55m54s)

  • It is important to teach about the past, including slavery, genocide, and conquest, but it should be done in a fully contextualized manner.
  • For example, teaching about American slavery should include teaching about indigenous slavery, Ottoman slavery, Roman slavery, and Greek slavery.
  • Similarly, teaching about stolen land should include examples from various cultures and historical periods.
  • The problem arises when history is cherry-picked to present a biased or incomplete narrative, such as the belief that Native Americans lived in peace and harmony before the arrival of Europeans.
  • Conservative parties have historically failed to effectively address these issues due to being outdistanced by the education establishment.
  • They need to take control of the curriculum and insist on a balanced curriculum and political neutrality.

Once universally corrupt, how do we correct? (57m26s)

  • Schools cannot be politically indoctrinated, but critical race theory is not considered political.
  • There is a lack of expertise and time to manage curricular analysis and address the issue of indoctrination in education.
  • Model curricula from organizations like the National Association of Scholars and Manhattan Institute are available for conservative governments to adopt.
  • Conservative governments need to engage in the details of the curriculum, insist on balanced curricula, and fight against indoctrination.
  • Conservative governments should adopt model curricula from organizations like the National Association of Scholars and Manhattan Institute.
  • Governments need to get into the weeds of the curriculum, insist on a balanced curriculum, and have the fight against indoctrination.

Do 80% of teachers need to go? (1h1m36s)

  • The speaker questions if 80% of teachers need to be removed due to potential indoctrination.
  • Firing 80% of Twitter staff improved the company, and the speaker suggests a similar approach for educational institutions.
  • The speaker acknowledges the existence of alternative educational models that require fewer teachers.
  • Republican governors have faced challenges in confronting teachers' unions due to their political power and control over state budgets.
  • Florida's implementation of CRT bans is having a chilling effect and other red states are following suit.
  • The Republican party can invest political capital and demand accountability from educational institutions.
  • Opening up new avenues into the teaching profession and removing the requirement for an education degree are potential reforms.
  • Removing CRT and DEI from government through political appointments and potentially firing individuals may be necessary.
  • The UK's Higher Education Freedom of Speech Act establishes a new academic freedom directorate to address these issues.
  • The speaker believes in political neutrality and balance rather than indoctrinating students with a specific ethos.

Why institutional neutrality is still possible (1h5m57s)

  • The postmodern view asserts that neutrality is impossible and that institutions are inherently battlegrounds of power.
  • The author proposes a utilitarian argument for institutional neutrality, seeking an optimal balance of equality, diversity, and inclusion to maximize human flourishing.
  • The author believes that neutrality can win over people, including those on the left, as it protects against domination by the radical conservative right.
  • Public opinion in the US, Britain, and Canada favors political neutrality and balance, opposing "woke" positions.
  • Conservative politicians should focus on cultural issues that divide the left and unite the right, such as opposing the removal of Winston Churchill's statue and supporting bans on affirmative action.
  • The issue of mass indoctrination has been neglected by conservative politicians.
  • Organized lobbies like the abortion and gun lobbies influence Republican politicians, while the anti-affirmative action lobby lacks organization and accountability.
  • Pressure must be increased on conservative politicians to prioritize and address the issue of mass indoctrination.

Radicals do not feel guilt, but they do weaponize it (1h11m33s)

  • Radicals, especially psychopathic ones, have an advantage over conservatives because they do not feel guilt and can use it as a weapon.
  • Conservatives are sensitive to guilt and fear being attacked by the "woke" mob on social media, which makes them more susceptible to being cowed into silence.
  • Affirmative action is a touchstone for this issue, as questioning it can lead to accusations of racism.
  • Taboos on certain issues, such as immigration in Europe and gender issues in Canada, can be broken by brave politicians.
  • Once a taboo is broken, it opens up the possibility for more open debate and discussion on the issue.
  • In Canada, there is a need for a politician to break the taboo on the hoax of the mass graves and challenge the narrative that residential schools were genocide.
  • Public opinion surveys show that Canadians do not support the removal of statues of historical figures like Sir John A. Macdonald and generally do not believe that residential schools were genocide.

Pierre Poilievre (1h15m19s)

  • Pierre Poilievre, the new leader of the Conservative Party in Canada, has been criticized for focusing primarily on economics and avoiding cultural issues.
  • However, the Conservative Party in Canada has become less intimidated in recent years and is more likely to address cultural issues than it was in the past.
  • There is concern that Poilievre may backtrack on promises related to defunding the CBC and addressing immigration and culture wars once in office, similar to the Conservative government in Britain after Brexit.
  • Mass indoctrination is a serious problem that can lead to dangerous consequences, such as the rise of totalitarianism and the suppression of individual thought.
  • Indoctrination can occur through various means, including education, media, and social media.
  • It is important to be aware of the dangers of indoctrination and to take steps to protect oneself from its influence.
  • Education:
    • Promote critical thinking skills and encourage students to question information rather than passively accepting it.
    • Teach students about the history of indoctrination and its dangers.
  • Media:
    • Support independent media outlets that provide diverse perspectives and challenge dominant narratives.
    • Be critical of media content and consider the source and motivations behind the information presented.
  • Social Media:
    • Be mindful of the algorithms that shape what you see on social media and seek out diverse sources of information.
    • Engage in respectful discussions with people who hold different viewpoints and be open to changing your own beliefs based on evidence.
  • Individual Responsibility:
    • Be open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives.
    • Seek out information from a variety of sources and be critical of all information you encounter.
    • Encourage others to do the same and promote a culture of open dialogue and intellectual freedom.

A centrist on policy, a conservative on culture (1h17m16s)

  • Eric Kaufmann describes himself as a centrist on economic issues and a conservative on cultural issues.
  • He believes in the welfare state and tackling climate change to a degree.
  • He is concerned about losing free speech, truth, and national cohesion.
  • Eric Kaufmann is a rare academic because he is a conservative in a field that is predominantly left-leaning.
  • He has managed to achieve success despite his views by keeping his head down, writing non-controversial things, and avoiding political fields.
  • In 2018, he became more openly critical of the social justice movement, which led to attacks from Twitter mobs, open letters, and internal investigations.

Politicization and trust (1h20m20s)

  • Woke and cancel culture are linked to pressing voter issues like immigration control and border security.
  • Free speech is essential to address polarization and populism by enabling open discussions on important topics.
  • The higher education system and its ideologies are significant sources of societal problems.
  • The culture war is intertwined with economics, and getting it wrong can destroy the economic system, as intended by some radicals.
  • A certain level of cultural consensus is necessary for less government to be effective, as without responsible citizens, it empowers ideologues.
  • Civic trust is crucial for freedom, but polarization hinders sound economic policies due to ideological entrenchment.
  • Politicizing institutions like the civil service, schools, and corporations erodes trust among half the citizenry.
  • Mass indoctrination is a critical issue that needs to be addressed to overcome polarization and societal erosion.
  • Infiltration of institutions for political purposes, such as the left's declining trust in the Supreme Court, erodes societal trust.
  • A cultural wealth perspective is needed to balance equality with growth, as excessive cultural socialism can impoverish culture and hinder human flourishing.
  • A new vision that prioritizes human flourishing and overcomes cultural socialism is necessary, with a concern for equality but not at the expense of overall cultural growth.

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