Geoffrey Moore on finding your beachhead, crossing the chasm, and dominating a market
25 Jan 2024 (8 months ago)
- Jeffrey Moore is the author of the influential book "Crossing the Chasm".
- He emphasizes the importance of getting very narrow with the initial audience and using the "bowling pin strategy" to get past early adopters.
- Moore discusses the specific go-to-market playbook for each stage of the adoption lifecycle and the seven deadly sins of trying to cross the chasm incorrectly.
- He also provides insights on selling products to different personas and why focusing on the problem and pain is not necessary when selling to early adopters.
- People often misunderstand the concept of a beachhead segment and target the Fortune 500 instead of a focused market.
- Moore emphasizes the importance of looking at the market from an outside-in perspective rather than an inside-out lens.
- In an emerging category, it's crucial to create enough power to navigate the future on your own.
- Getting a lighthouse customer can put a company on the map and attract attention.
- To cross the chasm, a viable and repeatable business is needed, which requires an ecosystem of partners.
- Ecosystems form around market leaders, so it's important to consolidate a market segment where the company can be a big fish in a small pond.
- The fish-to-pond ratio concept suggests targeting a segment where the company can achieve a significant market share within a few years.
- Focusing on multiple segments simultaneously is not advisable, as it dilutes efforts and reduces the chances of becoming a market leader.
- Pragmatic people buy what they see their peers buying, so establishing a clear market leader is crucial for market adoption.
- The four inflection points of the technology adoption life cycle are:
- Early Market
- Crossing the Chasm
- Main Street
- Tornado
- The bonfire analogy:
- Taking a match and running it back and forth under a log will not start a fire.
- To start a fire, you need to put a little kindling and hold the match in one place until the fire starts.
- The bowling alley metaphor:
- Explains how to win your first segment and then increasingly move forward to win more segments.
- Adjacency is important in the bowling alley metaphor.
- Before trying to cross the chasm, ensure you have a marquee customer that puts you on the map.
- The formula for a target segment is:
- Big enough to matter (potential to reach $100 million in revenue within five years).
- Small enough to lead (be a big fish in the pond).
- A good fit with your crown jewels (compelling use case that starts the fire).
- A segment is defined by:
- Same geography.
- Same industry.
- Same profession.
- You have a major account who's gone all in with you on the new technology and who is willing to talk about it.
- You have the domain expertise to really understand the problem and it's a really compelling problem.
- The executive sponsor is a visionary who is looking for people that are more visionary like them and wants to be different.
- Start with projects that are customer-led and be willing to adjust your roadmap based on customer feedback.
- Try to get to cash flow break-even on your own money before seeking venture capital.
- Venture capital is not necessary for every startup, and there are benefits to bootstrapping.
- Not all VC-funded companies succeed, and you may not make as much money as you could if you bootstrapped.
- With a single round of funding, you should be able to cross the chasm and dominate a single use case in a single market within 18 to 24 months.
- You don't need to discount your product or service, but you do need to make a guaranteed commitment to solving the problem.
- The chasm is the gap between the early adopters (Visionaries) and the mainstream market (Pragmatists).
- Pragmatists will not accept Visionaries as references and they don't have any peers that have tried the product yet, so they are hesitant to adopt it.
- Visionaries are those who come up with new ideas and innovations, while pragmatists are those who focus on the practical aspects of implementing those ideas.
- Pragmatists often have to clean up the messes left behind by visionaries.
- Visionaries are often represented as Steve Jobs, while pragmatists are represented as business people in suits.
- Most people are pragmatists, but one can be a visionary with some things, a pragmatist with others, and a conservative with others.
- The Junior High dance problem is a metaphor for how much of a product needs to be built at each stage of the product life cycle.
- A compelling reason to buy is essential for convincing pragmatists to adopt a new product.
- It should address a significant pain point or problem that the target customers are facing.
- Examples of compelling reasons to buy include ransomware, struggling kids in school, healthcare issues, and office space challenges.
- The compelling reason to buy is not the same as the compelling reason to sell, which is often misunderstood.
- The key to finding a compelling reason to buy is to focus on the customer's pain points and needs, rather than on the product itself.
- In the early market, the focus is on the technology itself.
- Key responsibilities include having a technology expert, being able to demo the technology, and creating a vision that articulates the trapped value that the innovation can release.
- Airbnb is an example of a company that successfully unlocked trapped value by leveraging people's homes and cars as a free labor force.
- Focus on understanding the problem domain and building your go-to-market strategy around it.
- Use lead generation to identify potential customers with specific pain points.
- Conduct diagnostic calls to understand the customer's challenges and goals.
- Use active listening and note-taking to show that you are engaged and understanding their concerns.
- In the early market, you focus on creating budget for your solution.
- In the bowling alley phase, you redirect budget from existing solutions to your own.
- Crossing the chasm involves changing the state of your company from a cool possibility to a going concern.
- A going concern is a company that is expected to continue existing in two years, with a loyal customer base, established partners, and a clear operating model.
- The goal of crossing the chasm is to reach a point where you don't need to raise more venture capital.
- Cash flow positivity is more important than accounting profit at this stage.
- Venture capitalists categorize risk based on the stage of the company: angel investors take on the risk of creating something, crossing the chasm investors take on the risk of company viability, and bowling alley investors expect a journey from $10 million to $100 million with a growth rate that meets the rule of 40.
- In the tornado phase, budgets are established as a category goes horizontal and everyone wants the new technology.
- The market share battle is intense, and whoever gets the most customers early on gains an advantage.
- If you're not number one in the tornado, you may need to retreat into a niche and become a "chimp" instead of a "gorilla."
- Using the wrong playbook in the wrong phase can have the opposite effect of what you intend.
- Qualifying the customer on budget before making a sales call is critical in Main Street but not in the early market or bowling alley.
- Bringing a project model to the bowling alley won't scale, while bringing a solution model to the early market is over-investing.
- Generative AI can be used in different market phases, from the early market to Main Street.
- In the tornado phase, generative AI can be used for sales, marketing, and customer service.
- In the bowling alley phase, generative AI can be used for education and training.
- On Main Street, generative AI can be used for a variety of tasks, such as writing legal opinions and designing visual images.
- Discounting before crossing the chasm is not recommended as it does not reduce risk and may even increase it.
- Discounting can lead to reduced support, extra charges, and changes in scope.
- Target customer mixup: It is important to identify the right target customer who controls access to the market and can sponsor the deal.
- Compelling reason confusion: Instead of focusing on the compelling reason to sell, entrepreneurs should focus on the compelling reason to buy, which addresses the pain points of the target customers.
- Positioning: When crossing the chasm, the positioning formula is the same every time. Companies should position themselves as technology leaders who are specialized and committed to solving a specific problem in a particular domain.
- Positioning is crucial when crossing the chasm.
- The positioning formula involves identifying the incumbent vendor, technology competitors, and the company's unique value proposition.
- Companies should emphasize their technology leadership, domain expertise, and commitment to solving the specific problem of the target customers.
- Product-led growth requires telemetry and communication with users to identify compelling reasons for purchase.
- Product-led growth is effective in the land and expand phases of the market, but not for crossing the chasm.
- Product-led growth companies eventually build sales teams, especially for enterprise deals.
- Enterprise salespeople are not good chasm crossers; domain expert narrow model salespeople are better suited for this role.
- Martin Cassado argues that life after crossing the chasm is not easy and involves endless pain and suffering.
- Geoffrey Moore agrees that life never becomes easy, but the problems change.
- Software development faces challenges such as different user expectations, competition, funding, and technological shifts.
- Entrepreneurs should be prepared for new headaches every week.
- Founders should only start a company if they can't not start a company.
- Geoffrey Moore's model is optimized for B2B markets with federated decision-making around high-risk buying decisions.
- The rise of consumer computing and mobile apps has shifted the core of innovation to B2C.
- Crossing the chasm is not designed for B2C problems; entrepreneurs building consumer apps should not focus on it.
- Geoffrey Moore believes that people are reinventing many of his theories from 30 years ago.
- Geoffrey Moore encourages entrepreneurship as a means to solve world problems.
- He suggests not making becoming a billionaire the goal, but rather focusing on making an impact.
- Entrepreneurs with the ability to start software companies are scarce resources and should not waste their potential.
- Geoffrey Moore's book, The Infinite Staircase, explores how to live a good and meaningful life.
- The book combines complexity theory and the secular creation story to support traditional ethics.
- The message of the book is that doing good is not because of obedience to a divine creator, but because mammals nurture their young and are gifted with unconditional love.
- Ethical values are built into humans and can be integrated into their lives.