World's No.1 Exercise Professor: Our Comfortable Lives Are Causing Cancer & The Truth About Running!
29 Jan 2024 (8 months ago)
- The vast majority of chronic diseases in the Western world are mismatches, such as obesity, heart disease, and many cancers.
- These diseases are caused by our modern lifestyle, which is very different from the environment our bodies evolved in.
- Two actionable things to reduce the risk of these diseases are to avoid sitting for long periods and to subscribe to the channel.
- Daniel Lieberman is a professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard University.
- He studies how and why humans are the way they are, and how that is relevant to health and disease.
- His particular specialty is the evolution of human physical activity.
- Humans are not as fragile and weak as we think.
- We are impressive athletes, capable of outrunning most animals over long distances, throwing, and kicking.
- We are also the ultimate omnivores, able to eat a wide variety of foods.
- It is not true that hunter-gatherers are role models in every respect.
- They have some health advantages over modern humans, but they also have problems such as violence and warfare.
- Natural selection cares only about reproductive success, not happiness or health.
- We evolved to eat foods that would increase our reproductive success, not necessarily foods that are healthy for us.
- Humans have been eating meat for at least 2.5 million years.
- Meat played an important role in our evolutionary history.
- However, it is possible to be a healthy human being without eating meat.
- Humans are the ultimate omnivores, able to eat a wide variety of foods.
- Humans evolved from ape-like ancestors around 7 million years ago and became bipedal.
- As bipeds, early humans were slower than chimpanzees and likely poor hunters.
- Stone tools and evidence of butchered animals suggest hunting became part of the human repertoire between 3 and 2 million years ago.
- Hunting and gathering, along with tool making and extractive foraging, became the hunter-gatherer way of life.
- The shift to hunting and gathering coincided with significant changes in human anatomy, including the development of a more human-like body and an external nose.
- The external nose is thought to have evolved as a humidifier to regulate airflow and moisture in the respiratory system.
- The idea that mouth breathing during running is harmful is not supported by evidence.
- Humans evolved to breathe out of their mouths when running to dump excess heat generated during intense activity.
- Elite runners do not breathe out through their noses when running.
- Claims that nasal breathing can prevent a wide range of diseases lack sufficient scientific evidence.
- Sleep apnea, often caused by various factors including obesity and deviated septum, should be addressed by treating the underlying cause rather than relying solely on nasal strips.
- Sweating is a unique human adaptation that evolved from our hunter-gatherer ancestors.
- Unlike most animals that cool down by panting, humans have sweat glands that allow for efficient evaporation of moisture from the skin.
- This ability to dump heat effectively was crucial for our ancestors in the heat of the day when hunting.
- It's possible that sweating evolved before hunting as a means of escaping predators during the hottest part of the day.
- The significant increase in brain size in humans occurred around the time we started hunting and gathering.
- Hunting and gathering provided more energy, reducing the constraints on brain size and allowing for selection of individuals with larger brains.
- A larger brain requires more energy, which is why humans have a higher proportion of body fat compared to other animals.
- Body fat serves as an energy reserve to support the brain's constant energy demands, especially during infancy when brain growth is rapid.
- The relatively high level of body fat and predisposition to store fat are fundamental adaptations for human survival, reproduction, and brain function.
- Dieting is hard because our bodies evolved to store fat, not to lose it.
- When we diet, our bodies go into starvation mode, which causes cortisol levels to rise.
- Cortisol makes us hungry, stores fat in visceral deposits, and turns down our immune system.
- Excess fat causes inflammation, which is linked to many diseases.
- Stress also elevates cortisol levels and can lead to weight gain and fertility problems.
- Most diseases today are mismatches, meaning they are conditions for which our bodies did not evolve.
- Mismatches are caused by changes in our modern world, such as diet, physical activity, and stress.
- Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are all examples of mismatched diseases.
- Mismatched diseases are not inevitable and can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
- People today have incredible choices for food, but this can lead to poor choices.
- The author aims to help people understand the complexities of food choices and their consequences.
- There are no perfect answers, and oversimplified diets are not the solution.
- Cultural evolution is rapid and transformative, leading to a mismatch between our biology and our environment.
- This mismatch has heightened the kinds of mismatches that we exist.
- We treat the symptoms of mismatch diseases rather than the causes.
- This enables the diseases to remain prevalent and, in some cases, get worse.
- Treating symptoms is necessary, but it would be better to prevent diseases in the first place.
- The way we chew impacts the shape of our jaws.
- Modern foods have led to smaller jaws and malocclusions, but these can be managed.
- Eating a lot of sugar and saturated fat, and being physically inactive can lead to heart disease, stiffening of blood vessels, and hypertension.
- Cancer is not completely a mismatch disease.
- Cancer is a disease of evolution going wrong due to mutations.
- Cancer rates are higher in high-energy environments.
- Physical inactivity, high insulin levels, and exposure to carcinogens can increase cancer risk.
- Higher levels of estrogen and progesterone due to hormonal imbalances can increase breast cancer risk.
- Cancer rates are higher in developed countries with higher GDP.
- Hunter-gatherer women likely had lower cancer rates due to lower energy intake and fewer menstrual cycles.
- Birth control and smaller families may have elevated breast cancer rates due to increased menstrual cycles.
- Fat is a vital molecule that stores a large amount of energy.
- Fatty acids are stored as triglycerides in adipocytes, which are specialized fat-storing cells.
- Insulin helps transport triglycerides into fat cells for storage.
- Humans evolved to have a relatively high level of body fat for energy storage.
- Excess fat storage, especially ectopic fat, can lead to health problems such as fatty liver, kidney problems, heart problems, and inflammation.
- Chronic inflammation caused by overfilled fat cells can contribute to various diseases, including cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, and diabetes.
- The keto diet and fasting can help reduce excess body fat and improve overall health.
- Fasting is when you go into negative energy balance.
- Intermittent fasting might be an easy way to get some of the benefits of exercise without exercising.
- Keto diets involve avoiding carbohydrates and relying on Ketone bodies for energy.
- Keto diets can lead to rapid short-term weight loss but are not very effective as a long-term weight loss strategy.
- Comfort is not necessarily good for us.
- Kids need to run around and get physical activity to build a healthy skeletal system and for other benefits.
- There is evidence that kids are getting physically weaker and less fit.
- Rates of osteoporosis are rising due to lack of physical activity.
- Exercise helps prevent bone loss by suppressing cells that cause bones to be resorbed.
- Loading bones causes them to respond and grow stronger.
- People who eat harder food tend to have larger jaws.
- Malocclusion is a consequence of jaws not having enough room for teeth.
- The age at which women go through puberty has decreased significantly in the past 200 years.
- This is due to increased energy availability.
- Girls in rural areas of Kenya go through menarche about 2 years later than girls in urban areas due to differences in energy availability.
- Natural selection favors individuals who take in energy and use it to reproduce.
- Sitting for long periods can increase the risk of disease, especially when combined with a sedentary lifestyle outside of work.
- Getting up and moving around frequently, even for short periods, can help mitigate the negative effects of sitting.
- Weak back muscles can contribute to back pain.
- Strong back muscles help prevent back pain.
- Understanding why we get particular kinds of mismatches helps us make decisions about how to use our bodies, what to eat, and how to be physically active.
- We need to be aware of the vicious cycle of treating the symptoms of mismatch diseases, which can worsen the underlying problems.
- Processed foods, lack of physical activity, and psychosocial stress contribute to mismatch diseases.
- Hunter-gatherers also get sick, but we can learn from their evolutionary history to make better decisions about our health.
- Be skeptical of cosmetic products and their claims.
- Most products likely have little benefit or unintended consequences.
- Killing bacteria with mouthwash may have short-term benefits but could harm the oral microbiome in the long term.
- Sanitizing our hands and living in highly sanitized environments can lead to allergies and autoimmune diseases due to an unchallenged immune system.
- Ultra-sterile environments may prevent infectious diseases but can also have costs, potentially increasing the risk of autoimmune diseases.