I Spoke Before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee
12 Mar 2024 (11 months ago)

The hearing comes to order, overview (0s)
- The subcommittee convened to investigate allegations of collusion between big government, big tech, big banks, and big business to spy on Americans.
- The investigation began after an FBI whistleblower, George Hill, revealed that the FBI obtained sensitive financial data from Bank of America without a warrant or notification to customers.
- The FBI received a list of customers who made purchases in the Washington DC area on specific dates and overlaid it with firearm purchase data.
FBI overreach, and their intended goal (1m21s)
- The FBI requested this information from Bank of America and specifically targeted individuals who were in Washington DC during certain dates, regardless of their purpose for being there.
- The FBI's actions were deemed wrong by FBI agents involved, who sent the information back to FBI headquarters.
- The investigation revealed that the financial surveillance was broader and aimed at building profiles of Americans based on political beliefs, potentially labeling individuals as domestic violent extremists.
Swearing in Dr. Peterson (2m58s)
- Dr. Jordan Peterson, a psychologist, author, and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, was introduced as a witness.
- Dr. Peterson has been targeted for his views on free speech and traditional values and has warned of the dangers of deplatforming political opponents.
- Dr. Peterson was sworn in to provide testimony before the committee.
Dr. Peterson testifies: “George Orwell could scarcely imagine this” (3m53s)
- The speaker warns of the expanding collusion between governments and corporations, which threatens individual freedom and autonomy.
- China's surveillance system, Skynet, serves as a cautionary example of the potential consequences of unchecked surveillance.
- Data collected in the virtual world can be used to create doppelgangers that can be bought, sold, and used for tracking, monitoring, and punishing individuals.
- Behavioral scientists manipulate invisible incentives to nudge people in desired ideological directions.
- The development of digital identity and currency facilitates the creation of a surveillance state.
- AI systems enhance surveillance capabilities, enabling comprehensive and subtle manipulation of perceptions and reality.
- The collusion between corporations and governments leads to the selling of individuals' souls to the superstate for immediate gratification.
- The ability to predict potential crimes increases the likelihood of persecution, even for innocent individuals.
- The future surveillance state will be so pervasive that privacy will become nonexistent.
Question one: will it stop with Conservatives? (12m48s)
- The cancel culture mob and surveillance state do not stop with certain people or groups.
- Senator Dianne Feinstein, a liberal Democrat, had her name removed from an elementary school in San Francisco due to past statements deemed unacceptable by the cancel culture mob.
- The danger posed by collusion between governments and large corporations threatens everyone's freedom equally, regardless of political views.
- The focus on the specific events of January 6th fails to address the fundamental issue of pervasive surveillance technology that threatens everyone's privacy.
Question two: why not embrace AI and the surveillance state for improved safety? (14m47s)
- Excessive security poses significant dangers, as anything a person does can be used against them.
- The concerns about the local consequences of surveillance, such as those related to January 6th, fail to consider the broader threat to privacy.
- The elimination of the private sphere is occurring globally, particularly in China, where technology is extensively utilized by governments and corporations.
- The justification of surveillance as a means to address immediate threats is short-sighted and ignores the long-term dangers.
- Politically committed individuals are at greater risk of being identified and targeted by such surveillance systems.
Question three: why did Canada decide that you need more “education?” (16m34s)
- The entire transcript of Jordan Peterson's interview with Joe Rogan was submitted as evidence of the unacceptability of his views.
- Peterson's questioning of the validity of economic models of economic collapse and climate change models was deemed sufficient grounds for complaints against his professional competence as a licensed psychologist in Canada.
- Numerous anonymous complaints were made against Peterson directly related to his political views.
Question four: why are the U.S. safeguards on free speech so important? (17m32s)
- The Patriot Act is being used to violate American citizens' rights to privacy.
- The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) has safeguards, but the domestic surveillance act does not.
- The Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, but there is a giant hole in the law.
- The Bank Secrecy Act and third-party doctrine are being abused against citizens.
- Canada does not have the same safeguards as the U.S., and Dr. Peterson has experienced the consequences of this.
- New legislation in Canada will make even the suspicion of a crime punishable.
Question five: should the banks be required to inform their customers when the GOV requests their records? (19m31s)
- There is disagreement among the panel members about whether banks should be required to inform their customers when the government requests their records.
- Some members believe there should be a warrant requirement before a financial institution hands over customer information.
- Others believe that banks should at least notify their customers when the government requests their records.
- There is agreement that there should be exceptions for ongoing criminal cases.
Question six: can you tell us about the de-banking incidents during the Canadian Freedom Convoy? (20m32s)
- During the Canadian Freedom Convoy, the bank accounts of Canadians who participated or donated to the protest were seized by the government.
- This was a result of collusion between the banks and the government, which was deemed unconstitutional.
- The government is currently maneuvering to make such collusion a certainty across multiple potential domains of harm, particularly in relation to government-defined hate.
- This is facilitated by advancements in technology, and the government has been using liaison information reports from the FBI to identify potential targets.
Question seven: who are the biggest victims of de-banking? (22m27s)
- The biggest victims of de-banking are American citizens.
- Arab Americans and Muslim Americans are disproportionately affected due to religious donations and donations to charity.
- There is bipartisan concern about de-banking.
- There is no mechanism for judicial review for Americans whose financial transactions are disclosed to the federal government.
- Americans are not aware that their data is being collected.
- Concerns were raised about the potential misuse of information gathered under the BSA, especially in the context of political beliefs.
- The panel agreed that it would be wise to revisit the BSA and other laws to provide protection for Americans' privacy.
- The gentle lady from Florida misrepresented Steve Jensen's testimony by claiming that he opposed the collection of information for banks.
- The gentle lady was asked to release the transcript of Mr. Jensen's testimony to clarify his position.
Question eight: can you explain to what extent citizen's “virtualized selves” will be used by big tech, big gov, and the banks? (25m36s)
- The speaker criticizes big government advocates for disregarding the Constitution and violating their oath of office.
- Big Tech, big financial institutions, and big government are colluding to erode Americans' constitutional rights, especially the First Amendment.
- Individuals lack rights over their virtual representations, and AI systems may misuse personal data.
- The speaker urges focus on the dangerous nexus between big Tech, big government, and financial institutions rather than specific events.
- The speaker expresses gratitude to the witnesses for their participation in the fight against weaponization.
The hearing is adjourned (31m4s)
- The subcommittee concludes today's hearing.
- Witnesses are thanked for appearing before the subcommittee.
- Members will have five legislative days to submit additional written questions for the witnesses or additional materials for the record.