Why the Establishment Hates This Man | Tommy Robinson | EP 462

09 Jul 2024 (4 months ago)
Why the Establishment Hates This Man | Tommy Robinson | EP 462

Coming up (0s)

  • Tommy Robinson was moved to another prison wing for his own safety.
  • He was warned not to leave his cell when they come to get him.

Intro (20s)

  • The speaker and his wife, Tammy, have been following Tommy Robinson for many years.
  • They are particularly interested in his exposure of the grooming gangs in the UK.
  • Tammy was going to interview Tommy, but he was arrested in Calgary with no charges.
  • They watched his latest documentary, "Silenced," together.
  • They decided to do a podcast with Tommy to discuss his arrest in Canada, his past experiences, and the upcoming rally in London on July 27th.

“A spot of trouble” - detained in Calgary (1m52s)

  • Tommy Robinson, a controversial far-right activist and journalist, was detained by Canadian border officials in Calgary despite being granted a six-month visa.
  • Robinson, who had previously been in contact with the family of imprisoned Saudi Arabian blogger Raif Badawi, was questioned about his activities and contacts upon arrival.
  • Robinson was restricted from attending speaking engagements in Edmonton and Toronto due to undisclosed reasons, leading to negotiations over two days to secure his exit from Canada.
  • The Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) was responsible for Robinson's detention, but it remains unclear whether the decision originated from federal or provincial authorities.

The film they don’t want you to see, headlines vs. reality (8m2s)

  • Tommy Robinson is facing a two-year prison sentence for exposing the truth behind an incident involving a Syrian refugee in a school, contradicting the initial narrative portrayed by the media.
  • Robinson's investigation revealed that the Syrian refugee had a history of violent and threatening behavior towards girls, contrary to the portrayal of the incident as a racist attack against him.
  • The British government welcomed 20,000 Syrian refugees during the ISIS conflict, despite allegations of bullying and assault against girls by one of the refugees.
  • A teacher was paid £18,000 by Kirklees Council to suppress the truth about the Syrian refugee's behavior, which included 117 instances of misbehavior.
  • The English boy initially portrayed as a racist bully was actually the victim of threats and harassment, and his family was forced to live in an unfavorable environment.
  • The story was meticulously planned over four weeks, involving celebrity jihadist lawyers and the Home Office to ensure the Syrian family's clean criminal record before the story's release.
  • The Syrian refugee had a broken arm, falsely attributed to another racist attack, while the head teacher of the school was blackmailed into silence.
  • Then-Prime Minister Theresa May used the story in a United Nations meeting.
  • A separate incident involved a head teacher covering up an attack by a 15-year-old student on an 11-year-old boy, falsely claiming the injury was from a fall, and forcing the victim's family to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
  • The journalist who reported on the incident was sued for defamation by the school despite having proof, and the judge ruled that the journalist had to prove the truth of the allegations even though he had reported them in good faith.

Lawfare waged against a journalist, paying off the witnesses (19m44s)

  • Tommy Robinson spent £200,000 on legal fees, while the other side's legal costs amounted to £750,000.
  • Robinson obtained recordings from seven teachers, including a female teacher who revealed that a Syrian refugee named Jamal had expressed hatred towards women and displayed aggressive behavior.
  • After the story gained national and international attention, Robinson met with the family of the English boy, Bailey, who had poured water on Jamal. The family was hiding in a hotel due to safety concerns and financial difficulties after gangs of Muslim men threatened to rape the mother and sisters.
  • Despite Bailey's actions being in response to Jamal's threats, major commentators in the country demanded severe retribution against the child.
  • Robinson's investigation revealed that Jamal had threatened to rape Bailey's younger sisters, prompting Bailey to pour water on him.
  • The teachers who knew Bailey were aware of the backstory but remained silent, with one teacher breaking down in tears upon seeing Robinson. The head teacher also experienced a breakdown due to the situation.
  • Robinson spoke with other pupils, including one with mental health issues who self-harmed, highlighting the broader impact of the incident on the school community.
  • Robinson presented covert recordings revealing that the council paid teachers £274,000 in non-disclosure agreements to prevent them from disclosing the truth about Jamal's behavior.
  • Robinson produced evidence contradicting the portrayal of Jamal as a victim of racial bullying, including school records showing he had stabbed five pupils.
  • The media left the courtroom before hearing the testimonies of five pupils who witnessed Jamal's assaults, and the judge disregarded their accounts.
  • Robinson criticized the government for pushing a narrative of open border immigration and portraying white English people as racists, while ignoring the experiences of other Syrian refugees who had positive experiences at the school.
  • Robinson presented recordings to a judge showing allegations made by women, including a retracted statement by a mother who confirmed Jamal's involvement in the attack against her daughter. Robinson challenged the credibility of the retraction statement before the judge.

Being bankrupted by the court despite proving his claims (28m43s)

  • Tommy Robinson was bankrupted by the court for £1.6 million despite proving his claims in a documentary about the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal.
  • The judge listed everything that was in the documentary and still ruled against him.
  • Robinson refused to settle out of court because he believed he was reporting the truth and could not do so to the child who was living with him.
  • After he was bankrupted, the judge gave him an injunction preventing him from releasing the documentary, threatening him with two years in jail if he did.
  • Robinson believes that the establishment hates him because he challenges the narrative controlled by the judiciary, far-left organizations, and Muslim organizations.
  • He was punished for exposing the "Unholy Alliance" working together to control the narrative.

Worrying about consequence: “I failed as a journalist” (32m4s)

  • Tommy Robinson expresses regret for not playing a film that could have exposed the government's lies and prevented the collateral damage to an innocent child's life.
  • He acknowledges that worrying about consequences can hinder change and activism.
  • Robinson reflects on his experiences in prison and the lasting impact of solitary confinement on his well-being.

Unattended adult problems ruin the lives of innocent people and children (33m10s)

  • Robinson emphasizes that unattended adult problems have severe consequences, particularly for children.
  • He highlights the case of a young English boy who became suicidal due to the government's lies and the closure of his school.
  • Robinson expresses sympathy for the boy's difficult upbringing and the challenges he continues to face.
  • He reflects on his own son's experience of being ostracized and bearing the brunt of the government's actions.

Why Tommy is an activist: a brief history of England’s grooming gangs (35m6s)

  • Tommy Robinson, born in Luton, England in 1982, witnessed the rise of Islamist ideology and the prevalence of grooming gangs in his community.
  • In response to the Beslan school massacre in Russia, Robinson organized a protest against the extremist group Al-Muhajiroun and its leader, Anjem Choudary, who justified such attacks in British schools.
  • Robinson's protest, called "Ban the Luton Taliban," aimed to raise awareness about a terrorist group openly promoting hatred and recruiting people in Luton.
  • During his presentation at Oxford University, Robinson highlighted the racial and religious targeting of whites and blacks in Luton, the lack of police action against the Islamic community, and the use of drugs to target children for grooming.
  • Despite Luton's reputation for violence and poverty, Robinson emphasized the abnormal levels of violence and its acceptance as a solution.
  • Robinson faced backlash from the establishment for exposing issues at the Luton Islamic Center, where he discovered justifications for extreme punishments like lashing and killing.
  • He took a stand against Pakistani gangs involved in drug trafficking and grooming young girls, evolving his perspective on the issue as he matured and recognized the gravity of the situation.

Jihadist activism: “they were spitting at soldiers” (46m50s)

  • Tommy Robinson witnessed a soldiers' homecoming parade in 2009 in Luton, England.
  • A group of women in niqabs and members of the Islamic group "The Sword of Islam" were present.
  • Robinson observed police escorting a group of Muslims through the town hall while the soldiers marched.
  • The Muslim group spat at the soldiers, including a deceased soldier named Scott M, and his mother.
  • Robinson felt that the police favored the Muslim group over the English people who were upset by the situation.
  • The police did not intervene to stop the Muslim group from spitting at the soldiers.
  • Instead, the police stood with their backs to the Muslims and faced the English people who were expressing their upset.
  • Robinson believes that the police could have prevented the incident by not allowing the Muslim group to pass through the town hall.

How policing changed in response to Islamist surge (50m43s)

  • Tommy Robinson organized a demonstration in Luton to support British Armed Forces after they were attacked by a jihadist group.
  • The police stopped and searched the demonstrators but not the jihadist group and kettled the demonstrators for three hours, preventing them from reaching the war memorial.
  • Tommy Robinson's friend had his teeth knocked out during clashes with the police, and his mother was among those arrested in subsequent police raids.
  • Robinson organized a protest in Luton to address the town's issues with crime, drugs, prostitution, and grooming, believing the authorities were not taking action.

Why Tommy Robinson changed his name, the loss of anonymity (55m46s)

  • Tommy Robinson began his activism in 2009 by speaking out against Islamic extremism in Luton, England, using the pseudonym "Tommy Robinson" to protect his identity.
  • Robinson's decision to go public under his real name came after a Times newspaper journalist discovered his identity and visited his mother's house.
  • Robinson and his group, the United People of Luton, organized protests against an Islamic group's event in Birmingham, where the group displayed a banner claiming "Jesus was a Muslim" and converted an 11-year-old Christian boy named Shain to Islam.
  • Robinson, upon seeing the video of the incident, decided to take action and mobilize his group to confront the Islamic group in Birmingham.

Founding the English Defense League (1h0m53s)

  • Tommy Robinson and a group of 50 men from Luton formed the English Defense League (EDL) in response to violent attacks on English people by gangs of Muslims in Birmingham, aiming to highlight issues such as the persecution of Christians by jihadists and the grooming and sexual exploitation of young girls.
  • Despite being portrayed as "fascists" by the media, Robinson's activism with the EDL led to increased awareness about the issues, including threats against his family and himself, police raids, and terrorist plots.
  • The EDL, under Robinson's leadership, created a presentation called "The Rape of Britain" and produced documentaries focusing on the problem of sexual grooming gangs in the UK, which eventually led to a significant increase in arrest rates for sexual grooming crimes in 2010 and 2011.
  • Over time, the EDL gained support and spread across the country, forcing the government to acknowledge the problem of sexual grooming gangs, even though Robinson and the EDL did not seek credit or recognition for their efforts.

Forcing mainstream news to pay attention, disbelief and cowardice of the press (1h5m30s)

  • Tommy Robinson's work brought attention to the grooming gangs in England.
  • Andrew Norfolk of The Times newspaper finally reported on the gangs after years of knowing about them.
  • Norfolk was criticized for being a coward for not reporting on the gangs sooner.
  • It is easier for the media to dismiss Robinson as a far-right extremist than to acknowledge the existence of the grooming gangs.
  • The Rotherham Report revealed that over 1,400 children had been raped in the city, which has a 3.7% Muslim population.
  • The police and social services were aware of the abuse but failed to take action.
  • Robinson's work forced the mainstream media to pay attention to issues that they had previously ignored.
  • The media often dismisses Robinson as a far-right extremist, but his reporting has led to important investigations and revelations.
  • Robinson's videos have played a significant role in raising awareness of important social issues.

The brutality of the grooming gangs, and the utter disgrace of the police (1h8m30s)

  • The text discusses cases of young girls being raped by gangs of Muslim adults, with disturbing details of violence and abuse, highlighting instances where police failed to protect the victims and arrested fathers trying to rescue their daughters.
  • The investigation revealed a significant number of perpetrators involved in these crimes, with a connection to organized gangs acting as a mafia, but only a small fraction of them were prosecuted, indicating a cover-up and lack of action by authorities.
  • The text emphasizes the need for awareness and accountability in addressing the widespread problem of grooming and sexual exploitation, with reporting restrictions in the UK preventing the public from knowing the details of certain cases until the final day of the trial, when only a brief summary is provided to prevent contamination of the jury and ensure a fair trial.
  • Tommy Robinson, a journalist, attended one of these trials in Leeds to understand the reporting restrictions, discovering that judges have no power to restrict information already in the public domain, expressing concern about the lack of public awareness of these cases and the crimes being facilitated and accommodated by the authorities.

The R*pists went free, the reporter was sentenced to 13 months in prison - the Free Tommy movement (1h14m7s)

  • Tommy Robinson reported on a case involving a girl raped by staff at a kebab shop, leading to his arrest for breach of peace outside the court.
  • Despite reporting restrictions, Robinson's imprisonment became public due to international media coverage and public outcry.
  • Robinson was sentenced to 13 months in jail without a trial for contempt of court and described the prison system as vulnerable to radicalization by extremist groups.
  • Robinson's case gained significant public attention, with 30,000 people marching on Parliament and demonstrations taking place in Sydney.
  • The "Free Tommy" movement was formed, and politicians such as Congressman Paul Gosar and Ambassador Brownback intervened to ensure Robinson's safety.

Moved into an all Muslim block, “do not leave your cell, your life depends on it” (1h19m10s)

  • Tommy Robinson, known for his criticism of Islam, was moved to a prison with a large Muslim population after his arrest.
  • Despite warnings about his safety, prison officers attempted to place him in a wing with six Muslims who planned to kill him.
  • Robinson was attacked by Muslim prisoners, losing his front teeth, and was subsequently moved to solitary confinement for 12 weeks.
  • During his time in solitary confinement, he endured harsh conditions, including a diet of tinned tuna, threats against his family, and constant harassment from other prisoners.
  • Despite these challenges, Robinson maintained a positive mindset and focused on reading and preparing for his court appeal.
  • After 3 months, Robinson was released on appeal, having been sentenced to 13 months in prison.
  • His lawyers had advised him not to expect an early release due to irregularities in his case.
  • After 11 or 12 weeks, a judge ordered his release, and he was freed at lunchtime.
  • Robinson had already planned a holiday with his family and was eager to leave prison.
  • He was informed that he was free to go without any conditions and immediately called his wife to share the news.

London: the 27th of July (1h27m50s)

  • Tommy Robinson plans to hold a rally in London on July 27th to address the public's concerns about their identity and culture, which he believes have been undermined by mass immigration and extremist ideologies.
  • Robinson's activism focuses on exposing the consequences of mass immigration and the infiltration of British institutions by extremist ideologies, despite facing threats and intimidation.
  • He criticizes the mainstream media for being controlled and biased, emphasizing the importance of citizen journalists in ensuring transparency and accountability, especially in covering court proceedings.
  • Robinson expresses concern about the erosion of personal freedoms, citing examples such as the World Economic Forum's recommendations and the BBC's alleged manipulation of documentaries.
  • He revealed attempts by the BBC's Panorama team to fabricate sexual allegations against him and script interviews, leading to his blacklisting from social media and legal charges by the government.
  • Robinson is facing a legal case brought by the government, not the police, and was designated as a "figure of hate" by Facebook and Meta, resulting in the deletion of his content and a five-year ban from the platform.
  • Despite the challenges, Robinson expresses gratitude for regaining his voice and acknowledges that he may have been less controversial than other figures, such as Andrew Tate.

A working class leader (1h36m52s)

  • Tommy Robinson, a working-class leader, has gained support for his values, bravery, and willingness to stand up for his beliefs.
  • The working class needs to make their voices heard when they are angry and justified, but there is a risk of this anger turning into vindictive populism led by psychopathic individuals.
  • A positive vision for the West is necessary to prevent the populist uprising from becoming solely reactionary and angry.
  • A cultural movement in the UK aims to celebrate identity, unite people, and change the culture, ultimately leading to political change.
  • The movement's support base is now mainstream and prepared to handle any instigators who try to cause trouble during their events.
  • The goal is to create a positive atmosphere by having fun, celebrating, and incorporating art and music into the movement.
  • Tommy Robinson believes ordinary people should not have to fight for their rights and identities.
  • The erosion of pride and identity in Britain has allowed abuses to occur.
  • Robinson experienced a sense of identity and pride at the 100-year anniversary of Polish Independence.
  • Robinson and other influencers are collaborating to establish principles for defending British culture and identity.
  • The vision will be presented to the public on July 27th.

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