Why the Paleo Diet is Making a Comeback for Fat Loss - Dr. Nambudripad Explains
24 Sep 2024 (5 months ago)

Intro (0s)
- The Paleo diet is considered a more sustainable diet than other low-carb diets because it is less restrictive. (7s)
- The Paleo diet allows for a variety of foods, including fruits and starchy vegetables, making it a high-fiber diet even without grains. (22s)
- Many people find the Paleo diet easier to maintain long-term compared to diets like keto because it is less restrictive in social situations. (31s)
30% Off Your First Order AND a Free Gift Worth up to $60 (53s)
- Thrive Market is an online grocery store that offers a wide variety of healthy food options, including dairy snacks, cheese crisps, and sugar-free products. (1m0s)
- By using the provided link, viewers can access a 30% discount on their first grocery order, regardless of the items they purchase. (1m15s)
- The platform simplifies healthy food shopping by allowing users to search for specific dietary needs, food types, and ingredients, making it a convenient and affordable option. (1m28s)
Paleo Diet Explained (1m52s)
- The Paleo diet is based on the eating habits of humans in the Stone Age, who were hunter-gatherers. (2m2s)
- The Paleo diet consists of meat, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and starchy vegetables, but excludes grains, dairy products, and legumes. (2m9s)
- The Paleo diet is considered a lower-carb diet, but it includes carbs from fruits and starchy vegetables. (2m28s)
Grains & Digestive Health (3m10s)
- People who eliminate grains from their diet often report experiencing less bloating and improved digestion. (3m24s)
- The outer coating of grains, such as quinoa and brown rice, contains lectins, which can be difficult for the gastrointestinal tract to break down, potentially leading to digestive discomfort. (4m11s)
- While white basmati rice lacks an outer coating and is generally well-tolerated, it is not recommended for individuals with insulin resistance. (6m25s)
Fruit (7m19s)
- Peaches and watermelon contain complex sugars that can be difficult to break down. (7m27s)
- Berries are low glycemic index fruits. (8m50s)
- Apples are low carb but considered high FODMAP, meaning they contain fermentable sugars that can cause bloating for some. (9m0s)
SIBO (10m18s)
- Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is often treated in conventional medicine with antibiotics, which only target the bacteria and not the root cause. (10m36s)
- Two main root causes of SIBO are slowed motility in the small intestine and improper digestion of food due to low stomach acid or low pancreatic enzymes. (10m57s)
- Low stomach acid can manifest as frequent burping or belching after meals, an aversion to eating protein, undigested food fragments in the stool, and bloating. (11m26s)
- Supplementing with betaine and pepsin after meals can help with protein digestion and reduce bloating. (12m34s)
- Taking betaine and pepsin after meals, rather than before, allows the body to produce its own stomach acid first and avoids shutting down endogenous production. (13m33s)
- SIBO occurs when food remains in the small intestine for longer than usual, providing more opportunity for fermentation and bacterial overgrowth in an area where it should not occur. (13m57s)
Can SIBO Cause IBS? (14m19s)
- Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is the root cause of 70% of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) cases. (14m33s)
- Hydrogen SIBO is associated with diarrhea, while methane SIBO is associated with constipation. (15m1s)
- Treating SIBO can address a significant portion of IBS symptoms, potentially 90% or higher, along with addressing food allergies and sensitivities that may stem from SIBO. (15m50s)
Food Sensitivity/Intolerance Testing (16m23s)
- Food sensitivity testing is considered controversial and not recommended because it is not established in conventional medicine. (17m0s)
- Medical food allergy testing, such as IG allergy testing, is considered accurate and is often covered by insurance. (17m14s)
- Eliminating gluten and dairy is recommended, especially for individuals with IBS or autoimmune diseases, as they are common sources of sensitivity. (17m56s)
Gluten (18m44s)
- Gluten sensitivity is a real condition that can cause a variety of symptoms, including migraine headaches, joint pain, brain fog, and abdominal issues. (19m51s)
- While not as severe as Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity can still significantly impact people's lives, with symptoms potentially lasting for up to a week after accidental gluten exposure. (19m48s)
- There is a link between gluten sensitivity and Hashimoto's, an autoimmune disease, due to a phenomenon called molecular mimicry, where the immune system confuses foreign proteins with self-proteins. (22m22s)
Dr. Nambudripad's Tips for Good Gut Health (24m24s)
- An allergy test can reveal food sensitivities and allergies, which can manifest as stomach pain and even require ER visits. (24m30s)
- While IgE tests can identify immediate allergic reactions, IgG tests, which detect sensitivities, often yield numerous positive results that are difficult to interpret and may not always correlate with gut symptoms. (25m22s)
- Factors like C-sections, frequent antibiotic use in infancy, and potentially high consumption of certain foods like wheat may contribute to a rise in allergies and intolerances by disrupting the gut microbiome. (27m11s)
Dairy Intolerance Symptoms (27m49s)
- Symptoms of dairy intolerance can include gas, bloating, and diarrhea. (27m55s)
- Dairy can cause inflammation for many people due to sensitivities to casein and whey proteins. (28m2s)
- Other symptoms of dairy intolerance can include sinus infections, nasal congestion, migraine headaches, rashes, eczema, acne, psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. (28m8s)
Crafting the Perfect Paleo Diet (28m37s)
- A paleo breakfast could consist of an omelet with vegetables, avocado, and berries, or a protein smoothie with non-dairy milk, protein powder, leafy greens, berries, avocado, and walnuts. (29m2s)
- A paleo lunch could be a salad with protein such as sardines, salmon, or chicken, along with avocado, walnuts, and a dressing of olive oil and lemon juice. (29m37s)
- A paleo dinner could include a roasted yam, roasted vegetables, and a protein source like grass-fed beef, organic chicken, or wild salmon. (30m2s)
Where to Find More of Dr. Nambudripad's Content (33m33s)
- The speaker's medical practice, OC Integrative Medicine, is located in Fullerton. (33m39s)
- The speaker has a YouTube channel under the name "rry nbot, MD". (33m43s)
- The speaker thanks the listener/viewer. (33m48s)