Rebel Wilson: The Truth About Sacha Baron Cohen! Trauma Was The Reason I Couldn't Lose Weight!
06 May 2024 (9 months ago)

Intro (0s)
- Rebel Wilson describes her experience with Sacha Baron Cohen as the worst professional experience of her career.
- She felt humiliated and degraded.
Being A Very Shy Kid (2m14s)
- Rebel Wilson grew up in a regular suburban Australian upbringing.
- She was extremely shy and had social anxiety.
- Her family made money selling pet products out of a yellow Caravan at dog shows.
- She was allergic to dogs, which made her childhood uncomfortable.
My Family And Their Struggles (4m6s)
- Rebel Wilson's mother was a dedicated kindergarten teacher, helping many young people, especially refugee students.
- Her father had emotional issues due to the sudden death of his father when he was 18.
- Rebel's father had aspirations of being a successful businessman but struggled to achieve his full potential.
My Dad's Angry Issues (5m19s)
- Rebel's father often displayed anger and had conflicts related to money within the household.
- He owned a share of a racehorse and envied the success and recognition of wealthy individuals.
- Rebel found motivational tapes, including "How to Win Friends and Influence People," in her father's gym bag, suggesting his desire for self-improvement.
- Due to the lack of awareness about mental health in Australia at the time, Rebel's father never received a proper diagnosis or therapy for his trauma.
- His unresolved trauma manifested as frequent angry outbursts, where his face would turn red, and he would say hurtful things.
Doing Weird Things As A Child (8m41s)
- Rebel Wilson and her sister used to wet the bed to cool down during hot Australian summers.
- Their father would often react angrily and physically punish them for seemingly minor incidents.
- Rebel felt guilty and ashamed for her actions, despite her intentions to cool down.
- Such incidents were relatively common in their upbringing.
Emotional Abuse (10m29s)
- Rebel's mother also experienced emotional abuse from their father.
- He would make derogatory comments about her appearance and weight, calling her names like "fat lazy cow."
- Financial abuse was also present, as he controlled the finances and gambled away their money, leaving them with financial difficulties.
- Physical abuse was more common in their area, with some family friends experiencing even harsher treatment.
My Parents Divorce (11m40s)
- Rebel Wilson's parents' divorce left her with a negative view of romantic relationships.
- She observed her mother becoming a "shell of a woman" due to the relationship and did not want to end up in a similar situation.
- Her father's outbursts were only at home, which made her question why anyone would want to be in such a relationship.
- Rebel's only representation of marriage was her parents' awful marriage, which influenced her decision to avoid romantic relationships.
- The divorce process took seven years and left her mother with nothing due to legal costs.
- Rebel decided to focus on her success and career, believing that a romantic relationship would only cause her pain and hinder her personal growth.
- However, as she became successful, she started to feel lonely and reconsidered her stance on romantic relationships.
How Your Dad's Trauma Impacted You (14m6s)
- Rebel Wilson believes her dark side comes from her father's side of the family.
- Her father's side has a history of alcoholism, addictions, and a dodgy mentality.
- Rebel feels like she has a mafia sensation of wanting revenge on people sometimes.
- She believes her dark side makes her more interesting as a person and performer.
- Her light side comes from her mother's side of the family.
Where Does Your Darkness Come From? (17m8s)
- Rebel Wilson relates to Steven Bartlett's question about always questioning if he is good enough.
- She reflects on her own drive and wonders if she is truly driven or being dragged by something.
- Wilson identifies her dragging as stemming from feelings of inadequacy due to being the only black child and from the poorest family in her area.
- She explains that she derives self-esteem and self-worth from achievements, leading to issues with food and a negative self-image.
- Rebel Wilson discusses the reasons behind her inability to lose weight.
- She reveals that she was sexually assaulted by a male co-star, which left her with deep trauma.
- The trauma caused her to emotionally eat and gain weight as a coping mechanism.
- Wilson emphasizes the importance of addressing trauma and seeking help for emotional eating.
Feeling Like Not Being Good Enough (20m36s)
- Rebel Wilson felt like she wasn't good enough, even though she didn't do anything wrong.
- She believes that kids need to have their self-esteem fostered and nourished to avoid feeling like they're not good enough.
- She experienced microaggressions, such as not being chosen for things, being at the back or side, and not being seen as a star.
- She was painfully shy and would blush if a teacher asked her a question in class, even if she knew the answer.
- She didn't have any friends because she thought people wouldn't want to be friends with her since she wasn't good-looking, popular, or cool.
- She read an article in the library that said her personality at 15 would be her personality for life, which motivated her to change.
- She didn't want to be shy, introverted, and isolated, so she decided to make a change.
The Steps I Took To Become A New Person (23m56s)
- Rebel Wilson decided to change her introverted nature and become more expressive.
- She used strategies like talking to new people daily and joining clubs at school to make friends.
- She realized that being naughty and getting attention helped her gain popularity.
How I Became More Extroverted (26m21s)
- Rebel Wilson's desire for attention and validation stemmed from wanting friends and respect.
- Her mother enrolled her in drama classes to improve her self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Acting allowed her to escape her shyness by playing different characters and gradually boosted her confidence.
I Had To Carry A Weapon With Me To Protect Myself (28m29s)
- Rebel Wilson had various drives within her, including the desire for external validation and the need for academic and professional success.
- She excelled academically and attended boarding school at 16, partly to escape her childhood household dynamics.
- During her final year of school, she witnessed a major crime and testified in a Squad investigation, which led to her being recommended for a Rotary Youth Ambassador program.
- She was sent to South Africa, which was a very different and dangerous environment compared to Australia.
- Johannesburg had a high crime rate, and Rebel had to carry a wooden baton for self-defense.
- Experiencing the violence in South Africa led to a life-changing vision where she realized her desire to become an actress.
- If she hadn't gone to Africa, she might have pursued law school and become a lawyer in Australia.
The Hallucination That Changed My Life (31m38s)
- Rebel Wilson had a near-death experience due to malaria in Africa when she was young. During her hallucinations, she envisioned winning an Academy Award and becoming an actress.
- Despite skepticism, she pursued acting after recovering, believing it was her purpose.
- It took five years after her vision for her to realize she could make a living from acting.
- Rebel Wilson questions whether her vision was a result of malaria hallucinations, a subconscious desire, or divine intervention.
- Rebel Wilson's mother wanted her to have a normal life with friends and relationships, not to be a known public person.
Becoming A Lawyer To Then Pursue Acting Career (36m45s)
- Rebel Wilson's parents wanted her to have a successful career, such as becoming a lawyer.
- She attended law school but struggled to balance her studies with her acting career.
- It took her 10 years to complete her law degree due to her acting commitments.
How Many Years Until You Made It In Hollywood? (38m39s)
- Rebel Wilson started acting at the age of 18 or 19, which is considered late compared to many actors.
- She wrote her first play at the age of 21, which won a playwriting competition and was professionally produced.
- Despite this early success, she realized that she needed to write her own material to make it as an actress.
- She didn't start earning a full-time wage as an actress until she became a regular on a TV show at the age of 23.
My Weight Defined The Roles I Got (39m54s)
- Rebel Wilson realized that her weight influenced how people perceived and cast her in acting roles.
- At 21 or 22, she was diagnosed with PCOS, which caused rapid weight gain and other symptoms.
- She noticed that a larger actress received more laughs in a play she wrote, leading her to believe that people found larger women funnier.
- She studied comedy and power in university, learning that people tend to laugh at those with physical irregularities, making larger women successful in comedy.
- Despite initially aiming to be a serious actress, she decided to embrace comedy and use her weight as an advantage in her comedic performances.
- Rebel Wilson reveals that she struggled with emotional eating and trauma, which hindered her weight loss efforts.
- She explains that she was sexually assaulted at the age of 18, which left her with deep emotional scars.
- The trauma led to unhealthy coping mechanisms, including emotional eating, which contributed to her weight gain.
- She sought therapy and worked on healing her trauma, which ultimately helped her lose weight and improve her overall health.
I Used My Weight To My Advantage (42m44s)
- Rebel Wilson used her weight to her advantage in comedy, as it made people laugh harder and led to more pay.
- She received a scholarship from Nicole Kidman to attend the Second City Comedy School in New York.
- Wilson realized she had a knack for comedy and it was taking off more than dramatic acting.
- Despite her success, she felt conflicted about her weight, knowing she was not treating herself well and not being healthy.
Did Your Roles Impact Your Self Esteem? (45m26s)
- Rebel Wilson played a character in the movie "Fat Pizza" where she was someone that someone else was embarrassed about.
- She mentioned that while acting, she could separate herself from the character, but there were instances where people confused her character with her real self, which was hurtful.
- Wilson recalled an incident at a post office where a fan of the show addressed her by her character's name and made comments similar to the character, which she found hurtful.
- Despite the occasional hurtful experiences, Wilson's success in playing characters like "Fat Amy" brought her millions of dollars, which she prioritized over her self-esteem at the time.
Wanting To Become Successful Despite Hurting Myself (47m34s)
- Rebel Wilson discusses the idea of achieving success in one area of life while neglecting others, leading to personal imbalances.
- She relates this to her own experience of becoming successful in the entertainment industry but lacking in personal aspects such as dating and relationships.
- Wilson highlights the trade-off that often comes with great success, comparing it to Olympic athletes who may excel in their sport but struggle in other areas of their lives.
I Lost Money Playing In Bridesmaids! (50m7s)
- Rebel Wilson reveals that she received only $3,500 for her role in the movie "Bridesmaids," which was her first job in America.
- After paying union fees and expenses for the movie premiere, she actually lost money from the role.
- Wilson had to live on a very limited budget of $60 per week while waiting for "Bridesmaids" to be released a year later.
Having No Money To Doing 6 Hollywood Films (51m49s)
- After the success of "Bridesmaids," Rebel Wilson booked six movies, including "Pitch Perfect," which became a global hit and the highest-grossing musical comedy franchise of all time.
- Despite achieving significant professional success, Wilson still felt unfulfilled and continued to set new goals for herself.
Ads (52m13s)
- The speaker announces the launch of Flight Studio, a new podcast and media technology company.
- They are hiring for 30 to 60 roles and using LinkedIn Jobs as their primary platform for recruitment.
- LinkedIn helps them source professionals who are not actively searching for jobs but might be open to opportunities.
- Over 70% of LinkedIn users do not visit other leading job websites, making it an effective platform for recruitment.
- The speaker offers a free LinkedIn job post to the audience through a link.
I Wasn’t Healthy Enough To Have A Child (53m10s)
- Rebel Wilson initially didn't plan to have a family due to being career-driven and thinking she might not find a partner.
- She felt a biological urge to be a mother in her late 30s.
- Despite not having a partner, she decided to try to have a child at 39.
- Upon visiting a fertility doctor, she was told she needed to be healthy to have a better chance of having a baby.
- The doctor's blunt assessment made her realize that she was not healthy, despite her success and self-confidence.
Rebel's Decision to Prioritize Health (53m10s)
- Rebel Wilson planned to dedicate the year 2020 to getting healthy, even before the pandemic.
- She acknowledged engaging in unhealthy eating behaviors and wanted to improve her health.
- Despite being a proponent of body positivity, she recognized the need to address her unhealthy habits.
The Comment From One Stranger That Changed My Entire Health Trajectory (57m12s)
- Rebel Wilson describes a pivotal moment when a stranger's comment about her health made her realize she needed to make a change.
- Despite previous attempts at dieting and temporary weight loss, she struggled to maintain a healthy weight.
- She felt resigned to her weight being a permanent aspect of her life, despite achieving success in other areas like education and acting.
- The stranger's comment served as a wake-up call, motivating her to prioritize her health, particularly with the desire to have a child in the future.
“People Didn't Want Me To Lose Weight” (59m24s)
- After receiving advice from a doctor about improving her health for potential pregnancy, Rebel Wilson faced resistance from people in her team.
- They expressed concerns that losing weight would jeopardize her multi-million dollar acting career, as she had successfully carved out a niche for herself.
- This presented a dilemma for Rebel Wilson, who had to decide between pursuing her health and potentially sacrificing her career.
- Despite the discouragement, she remained determined to prioritize her health and well-being, even if it meant risking her career.
- The COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity for Rebel Wilson to focus on her health without the distractions of her acting career.
- Through emotional work and self-reflection, she gained a deeper understanding of her unhealthy behaviors and made significant progress in her health journey.
Your Film Contract Wouldn’t Let You Lose Weight (1h1m25s)
- Rebel Wilson's contract for Pitch Perfect prevented her from losing more than 10 pounds.
- Acting contracts often have clauses that restrict drastic changes in appearance, including weight, hair, and overall look.
- These restrictions are in place to accommodate potential reshoots or sequels that may require actors to maintain a consistent appearance.
Your Journey Of Losing Weight (1h2m13s)
- Rebel Wilson decided to make 2020 her "year of health" and focused on improving her overall well-being.
- She was introduced to a doctor who specialized in the connection between emotional well-being and physical health.
- Rebel realized that she was an emotional eater and needed to process her emotions to achieve sustainable weight loss.
- With the help of a doctor, she began processing her emotions through regular phone calls.
- As she processed her emotions, she was able to release them and experience weight loss.
- Rebel also committed to a rigorous workout routine, cooking her own meals, and eating high-protein meals.
- The combination of emotional healing and healthy lifestyle changes led to her successful weight loss journey.
Letting Go Of My Emotional Baggage (1h4m37s)
- Rebel Wilson believes that emotional baggage can contribute to weight issues.
- She mentions having a complicated relationship with her father and experiencing sadness after his sudden death.
- She suggests that childhood experiences and unprocessed emotions can create barriers, including weight, that affect intimacy and relationships.
- Psychologists have observed that some women who lose weight through programs may regain it due to early abuse or issues, using weight as a defense against sexual advances.
- Rebel Wilson acknowledges that she embraced the "fat funny friend" role to avoid potential romantic relationships and hide her true feelings.
I Started Dating People At 30 Years Old (1h6m37s)
- Rebel Wilson did not receive any romantic attention from men until she became famous from Pitch Perfect.
- When she became famous, she started receiving attention from men, including a waiter at Chateau Marmont who gave her his number.
- Rebel Wilson felt invisible attractiveness-wise until she became successful.
- She did not text the waiter because she was shy and not used to receiving male attention.
- Rebel Wilson's father would sometimes ask her if she was seeing anyone, which made her angry because she did not want to get married like her parents.
- She felt external pressure to find a partner as a single woman over 30, but it was more pronounced in her late 30s.
- Rebel Wilson tried using a dating app called Raya but was unsuccessful because she applied when she was 19 and they are still reviewing her application.
- She is now in a relationship and does not need the dating app anymore.
- Rebel Wilson went on a year of love experiment before her year of health to put herself out there and gain experience in dating and relationships.
- She was a virgin until she was 35.
Losing My Virginity (1h10m34s)
- Rebel Wilson lost her virginity at age 35 to a man she was set up with.
- She was attracted to him because he was funny, cute, and had potential to be marriage material.
- Rebel Wilson went on a year of dating 50 people in 2019 to gain experience in dating.
Experimenting With Ozempic (1h11m58s)
- Rebel Wilson tried Ozempic for weight management after losing 35 kilos.
- She found that the drug helped her not feel full, allowing her to eat sweets and chocolate without feeling the need to stop.
- Rebel Wilson gained back 10 kilos after giving birth, directing a movie, and experiencing stress.
- She believes that Ozempic can be effective for people like her, but she is not currently taking it.
Backslash From Fans For Your Weight Loss (1h13m35s)
- Rebel Wilson received backlash from fans after losing weight.
- Some people felt that she would not be funny anymore after losing weight.
- Her movie "Senior Year" was a success, with 89 million unique Netflix accounts watching it in the first 10 days.
- Rebel believes that some people may have felt bad about themselves because of her weight loss and projected their feelings onto her.
- She questions what people would want her to do instead, such as die of a heart attack or remain unhealthy.
- Rebel emphasizes that comedy involves various elements beyond physical appearance and that she utilizes different aspects of her personality in her performances.
How Have Your Acting Roles Changed Since You Lost Weight? (1h15m40s)
- Rebel Wilson has noticed a change in the roles she is offered since losing weight.
- She is now doing more dramatic roles, such as Lady Capulet in a film.
- Rebel mentions that she started her career doing Shakespeare before gaining weight and is now returning to that type of work.
- She describes the strange experience of going from feeling invisible to receiving positive attention due to her weight loss.
- Rebel acknowledges the positive reinforcement she received from the press and people for losing weight.
- She admits to falling into the trap of liking the positive attention and neglecting her health due to stress from directing.
- Rebel expresses her intention to get back on the health bandwagon despite her current workaholic lifestyle.
What Are You After Now? (1h17m58s)
- Rebel Wilson is financially successful with multiple houses worldwide.
- She has found happiness in her personal life with her partner, Ramona.
- Despite her success, she still feels driven to earn money.
- She acknowledges that achieving goals, like winning an Oscar, may not bring lasting fulfillment.
- Rebel plans to take a break over the summer and learn to enjoy herself.
- Rebel Wilson expresses concern about not having her priorities in order.
- Having her daughter has made her want to work less and focus more on her family.
- She intends to be more selective in her work choices in the future.
Why Did You Remove Sections From The Book? (1h20m28s)
- Rebel Wilson's book contains redacted pages due to legal concerns in the UK.
- The redacted chapter discusses her negative experience working with Sacha Baron Cohen on the movie "Grimsby."
- Wilson describes the experience as humiliating and degrading.
- The publisher removed the chapter to avoid potential defamation lawsuits.
- Rebel Wilson wrote about her experience with Sacha Baron Cohen on the movie "Grimsby" in her book.
- She describes it as the worst professional experience of her career.
- Wilson felt humiliated and degraded during the filming.
- She stayed in the project despite the negative treatment because she didn't want to be seen as unprofessional.
- Wilson believes her self-worth was low at the time and she should have stood up for herself.
- She wrote about the experience to release the emotions she was holding onto and to show why her self-worth was not where it should have been.
- Wilson emphasizes that her intention is not to cancel Sacha Baron Cohen but to highlight the importance of self-worth and standing up for oneself.
Advice To Your Younger Self (1h25m15s)
- Rebel Wilson reflects on the hardest moment in her life, which was when she was 13 and felt unlovable, unworthy, and isolated.
- She describes living in a challenging environment with snakes and rats crawling on her porch.
- Rebel shares her future plans, including directing a movie and spending quality time with her family.
- She expresses her desire to win an Oscar and let go of her driven and hardworking nature.
I Hope My Stories Help Other People (1h26m59s)
- Rebel empathizes with young people who feel invisible, lonely, and isolated.
- She encourages them to take active steps to change their lives and pursue creative arts to find their voice.
- Rebel suggests writing song lyrics, keeping a diary, or engaging in other forms of creative expression as useful tools for self-discovery.
Last Guest Question (1h28m57s)
- Rebel Wilson's personal growth journey includes overcoming extreme shyness, losing her virginity at 35, and achieving success later in life.
- Wilson's book addresses critical questions about romance, fertility, self-worth, and finding love, while also delving into her early childhood and the challenges she overcame to achieve success.
- Wilson's natural ability to be funny shines through in both her book and conversations.
- Wilson's latest movie, "The Sea Horse," tackles the serious topic of traumatic brain injury and features her first kiss with a woman, French actress Charlotte Gainsbourg.
- Despite initial nerves, Wilson is excited about the potential positive impact the movie could have on others.