The Divorce Expert: 86% Of People Who Divorce Remarry! Why Sex Is Causing Divorces!
20 May 2024 (4 months ago)
- James Ston, a renowned divorce lawyer, shares insights into the causes of divorce and remarriage.
- He emphasizes that marital problems often stem from issues related to sex.
- Ston highlights the importance of understanding the implications of marriage, including prenups and financial matters.
- He discusses controversial topics such as infidelity, violence, and the role of love in marriage.
- James Ston describes his profession as a divorce lawyer, representing clients in contested divorce and custody proceedings.
- He explains that people who end up in his office are usually facing significant challenges in their lives.
- Approximately 56% of marriages end in divorce, and up to 75% fail due to misery or financial reasons.
- Despite the high failure rate, marriage remains a widely assumed and expected institution in society, with those who choose not to marry facing scrutiny and judgment.
- Neuroscientific, social psychological, and cognitive biases may contribute to this societal bias towards marriage.
- A divorce expert cautions a man who is quickly remarrying after an ugly divorce, advising him to be cautious considering the challenges of his previous marriage.
- The man dismisses the expert's advice, claiming he feels a deep connection with his new partner.
- There is a symbiotic relationship between gold diggers and millionaires.
- Both parties bring different things to the table.
- The millionaire provides financial resources and the gold digger provides beauty, energy, and excitement.
- This arrangement can be mutually beneficial and not necessarily predatory or unfair.
- It is more concerning when a billionaire is in a relationship with a young, gorgeous woman who is allegedly madly in love with him despite his lack of physical attractiveness or personality.
- In such cases, the woman may be motivated by the man's wealth rather than genuine love.
- Prenuptial agreement is a contract between two people that defines the rules for their marriage.
- Marriage has different meanings: spiritual commitment, religious commitment, social definition, and legal status.
- Prenuptial agreement allows couples to decide on the economic rules of their relationship rather than relying on the legislature or government agencies.
- Most people who are married have little understanding of the legal rights and obligations conferred on them by marriage.
- Legal rights and obligations in marriage can change due to political and legislative changes, such as changes in spousal support and tax deductibility.
- Prenuptial agreements are designed for couples who have an abundance of affection for each other and want to create a rule set for their relationship.
- A prenuptial agreement (prenup) is a legal contract that outlines how assets and debts will be divided in the event of a divorce.
- The simplest prenup divides assets and liabilities into three categories: Yours, Mine, and Ours.
- The Yours category includes assets and liabilities that belong solely to one spouse and are free from any claim or obligation by the other spouse.
- The Mine category includes assets and liabilities that belong solely to the other spouse and are free from any claim or obligation by the first spouse.
- The Ours category includes assets and liabilities that are jointly owned by both spouses and for which they are equally responsible or entitled to half the value.
- After creating these categories and signing the prenup, couples should continue to have conversations about their finances and regularly update the prenup as needed.
- Prenups are important to discuss and consider before marriage, just like life insurance, to ensure both parties are protected and their needs are met in case of a divorce.
- Prenups should not be seen as a sign of planning to end a marriage, but rather as a way to ensure both parties are protected and their needs are met in case of a divorce.
- It is important to have open and honest conversations about expectations and needs to avoid potential conflicts in the future.
- Prenups can help prevent marriages from happening if one party strongly objects to signing one, which can be a sign of underlying issues that need to be addressed before proceeding with the marriage.
- A prenuptial agreement can be a romantic gesture that ensures both partners' rights and needs are met in case of a divorce.
- Prenups are legally enforceable in the USA.
- A prenup can only be set aside if it was unconscionable at the time it was made.
- Unconscionability means that the contract is so unfair that no fair dealing person would offer it and no sane person would accept it.
- The most shocking prenup had a provision that for every 10 pounds the wife gained in the marriage, she would lose $10,000 a month in alimony.
- The court ruled that the provision was enforceable, even though it was considered a disgusting provision.
- The speaker discusses a prenuptial agreement that mentions the wife's physical appearance as a factor in the agreement.
- The speaker expresses their opinion that this type of agreement is shallow but honest.
- The speaker explains that their role as a lawyer is to analyze the agreement from a technical standpoint, rather than a personal one.
- The speaker describes how they would approach the agreement from the perspective of the wife, trying to maximize her baseline weight and minimize her weight at the time of divorce.
- 86% of people who get divorced remarry.
- Sex is a major cause of divorce.
- Fidelity clauses are clauses in prenuptial or postnuptial agreements that specify penalties for cheating.
- Defining cheating can be tricky as there are different levels of infidelity.
- Cheating often has its own consequences and adding an economic penalty may not deter someone who is already inclined to cheat.
- The speaker claims that sex is a major cause of divorce.
- People often have unrealistic expectations about sex in marriage.
- Lack of communication and intimacy can lead to sexual problems and eventually divorce.
- It is important for couples to talk openly about their sexual needs and desires.
- There has been a significant increase in the number of people getting prenups, especially among those in their 20s and early 30s.
- The current generation has a more pragmatic view of relationships and is more open to discussing prenuptial agreements.
- Despite the rise of social media showcasing seemingly perfect relationships, many people are dissatisfied with their own relationships, which may not be as fulfilling as portrayed online.
- There is a trend of celebrities publicly announcing their breakups while simultaneously requesting privacy, which can be confusing and frustrating for the public.
- Individuals who constantly feel the need to convince others of their happiness may not genuinely be happy.
- Wealthy individuals often maintain a low-key lifestyle and avoid flaunting their wealth.
- Celebrities and influencers often live performative lives to maintain their public image, which can lead to financial debt and a constant need for validation and external approval.
- Genuine happiness comes from meaningful relationships and self-worth, rather than external recognition and praise.
- Lack of communication about sex and intimacy can lead to dissatisfaction and potential infidelity, which are common issues in relationships.
- Sex is a crucial factor in romantic relationships and serves as the glue that binds partners together.
- Open and honest communication about sexual preferences, frequency, and satisfaction is essential to prevent relationships from reaching a point of complete breakdown.
- Preventative maintenance in relationships involves regular check-ins to ensure continued connection, excitement, attraction, and enjoyment between partners.
- People who are happily married over a long period of time have better lives, as a partner can provide support, companionship, and help individuals see their blind spots.
- Preventative maintenance in a relationship involves small gestures of courtesy and appreciation towards your partner, such as leaving a note of appreciation or expressing admiration, which can strengthen the emotional connection.
- Dogs can serve as an analogy for long-term relationships, as people tend to grow fonder of their dogs despite their aging and imperfections, highlighting the importance of acceptance and appreciation in relationships.
- Societal change is necessary to promote a culture of appreciation and respect within romantic relationships, as the cultural acceptance of disrespect and disdain towards one's partner is detrimental to the relationship.
- Making fun of your partner in front of others can be damaging to the relationship, leading to a lack of respect and trust between partners and creating a negative atmosphere.
- The speaker criticizes the unrealistic standard of "happy wife, happy life" and suggests that the primary goal in life should be pursuing a higher quality of life and making positive contributions to the world.
- Open and honest communication is essential in relationships, and couples should set aside time each week to listen to each other's concerns and work through issues non-defensively.
- Psychologist Jordan Peterson advises men to listen to their wives for at least 90 minutes a week to avoid potential divorce.
- The "Hit Send Now" technique involves openly communicating important matters with your partner when you're both in a good place.
- Addressing issues quickly and honestly prevents resentment from building.
- When discussing sensitive topics, such as a decrease in sexual intimacy, focus on finding solutions and understanding each other's perspectives.
- Open communication allows partners to find common ground and address changes in desires or priorities.
- Sex is a crucial factor in romantic relationships, and its absence or significant change can indicate marital problems.
- The decline in sexual intimacy can be a cause or effect of other issues within the relationship, such as communication problems or emotional distance.
- Effective communication and expressing one's feelings are essential for addressing marital problems.
- Many marital problems arise from not knowing or expressing one's desires.
- Sex is a common cause of divorce, particularly when there is a lack of intimacy or mismatched sexual desires.
- Communication and compromise are vital for a successful marriage.
- The speaker is now a 'chainsaw' lawyer, hired for difficult cases due to his expertise in high-conflict situations.
- Despite his success as a lawyer, he acknowledges that his intense dedication to work may not be healthy.
- In the early stages of his career, he often tried to steer couples towards reconciliation if he thought it was possible.
- The speaker believes that both men and women cheat with similar frequency.
- Men are more often accused of ruining the relationship by cheating, while women are more likely to express dissatisfaction.
- Men generally want more sex than women.
- Men prefer frequent sex over quality sex.
- Pornography is more popular with men than women.
- Men often complain about their wives not having enough sex with them.
- Some clients have reported not having sex with their spouse for years.
- Cheating is a significant factor in many divorces.
- It is an oversimplification to view cheating as the sole cause of divorce.
- There are often underlying issues and conditions that contribute to cheating.
- Cheating can be a result of a lack of intimacy, communication, or attention in a relationship.
- Both partners may have contributed to the conditions that led to cheating.
- People admit shocking things about their affairs.
- One example is a man who had two families, neither of whom knew about the other.
- People often have affairs with their in-laws or nannies.
- Wealthy clients often sleep with their nannies.
- Nannies share characteristics with wives, such as being good with children and supportive.
- Nannies are employees, which makes the relationship simpler.
- Nannies have lives outside the home and are mysterious.
- Advice to wives: embrace the part of yourself that's like the nanny.
- Don't let your spouse and children eclipse who you are.
- Cultivate your interests and passions.
- Remember who you are and the value you brought to the relationship.
- Divorce is common, with 86% of divorced individuals remarrying.
- Sex is not the primary cause of divorce but rather a symptom of underlying issues.
- Poor choices can lead to negative consequences, as seen in cases of serial killers and individuals who engage in affairs and hide money from their spouses.
- Domestic violence and intimate partner abuse are prevalent, with severe emotional consequences for victims, including suicide, self-harm, and feelings of hopelessness.
- Divorce lawyers represent their clients' interests in divorce proceedings, advocating for their benefit and potentially serving as a protective force or a harmful weapon depending on the lawyer's character.
- The speaker has cried for various reasons related to their work.
- They often cry out of appreciation for beauty and are astounded by people's strength and resilience.
- The speaker shares a moving story of a client who was reunited with his dog after a legal battle, which brought tears to both the client and the speaker.
- Impermanence is a key aspect of life, exemplified by the brevity of a dog's lifespan and the fragility of love.
- Mindfulness exercises, such as imagining embracing someone while contemplating their mortality, can enhance our appreciation for the present and the people in our lives.
- Divorce lawyers, who frequently witness the fragility of love, recognize its significance and transience.
- Euthanizing a pet when their quality of life declines is an act of love and service.
- Love is impermanent and should be cherished accordingly.
- The pain of losing a loved one is inevitable but worthwhile for the joy that love brings.
- Our capacity for love is infinite, even after experiencing loss.
- Love involves vulnerability and the risk of heartbreak, but its joys outweigh the pain.
- The speaker reflects on personal experiences with heartbreak and healing in relationships, emphasizing the importance of expressing emotions, finding beauty in life, and acknowledging the cycle of life and death.
- Love is beautiful, but marriage and love are often seen as terrible ideas.
- Romantic relationships should be viewed as chapters in a long book, not as a search for a soulmate.
- The idea of a soulmate creates the possibility that someone else might be more perfect for us, leading to dissatisfaction and divorce.
- People have an infinite capacity for love and can have multiple satisfying romantic relationships.
- Relationships should be evaluated based on whether they leave people better off, not just on whether they end in death.
- People's preferences and needs change over time, so what is attractive and compelling in one's 20s may not be the same in one's 50s.
- The idea that couples will grow together and change in complementary ways is not always true and may be naive.
- Many couples are confused about whether their relationship is broken or if they just need to put in more effort.
- Many people compare their relationships to unrealistic ideals, such as those portrayed in romantic comedies, which can lead to dissatisfaction and unrealistic expectations.
- Comparing a partner to an idealized version of a perfect partner can lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction in a relationship.
- It is important to compare relationships to real relationships rather than idealized versions.
- The quickest marriage to divorce was 48 hours, which is usually an annulment.
- Sometimes people have immediate regret or get married on a whim without fully considering the commitment.
- There is no waiting period required to get married, unlike other important decisions like purchasing a firearm.
- Money issues are a significant cause of divorce, but not in the traditional sense of going broke.
- Money is tied to power, control, security, and other emotional factors.
- Dishonesty about money is common in relationships, leading to problems.
- Two common dynamics in relationships:
- One person has more economic power than the other.
- Both partners have equal bargaining positions, but something changes.
- When a husband loses his job, it can lead to divorce due to:
- Men's self-definition as providers and protectors being challenged.
- Women finding it unappealing to be the breadwinner.
- Losing a job has a significant impact on heterosexual male-female marriages.
- The issue is not about the money itself but the symbolic meanings attached to it.
- In a divorce, mandatory discovery allows one partner to review the other's financials.
- This process involves examining credit card slips and other financial records to uncover hidden expenses and assets.
- It's difficult to hide money without leaving a trace in the modern digital age.
- Transferring assets to another person's name to hide money during a divorce can be considered a fraudulent conveyance and can be voided by the court.
- Some people gradually move assets out of the marital estate over a long period of time to avoid detection.
- Many people live under a significant amount of debt, including credit card debt, car leases, and mortgages.
- The net worth of an individual is the value of their assets minus their liabilities.
- Many people may have a high income but do not have significant assets due to their debt obligations.
- Assets such as jewelry purchased with personal loans may depreciate quickly, resulting in a lower resale value.
- A man won the lottery and went from a minimum wage job to having $25 million after taxes.
- His wife was entitled to half of the winnings since they were legally considered one person in the eyes of the law.
- The couple was already unhappily married and decided to get a divorce after the lottery win.
- LGBT couples face similar challenges to heterosexual couples in terms of divorce, such as impermanence and the soulmate myth.
- Historically, LGBT couples have had more freedom to create their own relationship structures due to marginalization and ostracism.
- The speaker supports marriage equality and believes LGBT couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples.
- The long-term effects of same-sex marriage on divorce rates are yet to be determined, as it has only been legal for about 10 years.
- The speaker is currently handling divorce cases for lesbian and gay couples.
- The speaker, a divorce expert, is not qualified to answer whether open relationships work.
- The speaker only meets people who have tried ethical non-monogamy and failed, which is not representative of the general population.
- The speaker has never seen non-monogamy work in any of their personal relationships or friendships.
- The speaker believes that society is not honest about monogamy and that many couples engage in non-monogamy without openly discussing it.
- Monogamy involves various relationships, including roommate, co-parent, travel companion, and family companion.
- Men and women, or specific partners in a relationship, may have different levels of importance placed on sex.
- It is acceptable to delegate tasks or activities based on individual preferences and interests.
- Cheating is common and people often accept it in their relationships.
- People may appear deeply committed to their marriage while still having affairs.
- Cheating can be seen as a "cheat meal" or a way to treat oneself.
- The human desire for variety and passion contributes to cheating.
- The Ten Commandments include two rules against cheating, indicating its significance as a human issue.
- Many men's actions are driven by the desire to attract and have sex with women.
- The manosphere and red pill communities focus on making oneself appealing to potential sexual partners.
- Marriage is a controversial topic with strong opinions on both sides.
- Some common reasons people give for getting married include religious beliefs, the desire for a stable environment to raise children, and the commitment to solving problems together.
- Marriage can provide a supportive and loving environment where partners can grow and thrive together.
- It is important to consider the reasons for getting married and whether marriage is the best solution to the problems one is facing.
- Marriage can serve as a public declaration of commitment and a way to hold each other accountable in maintaining monogamy.
- Marriage is viewed as a legal status and a government intervention, with additional elements added to it culturally.
- The guest speaker reflected on their experiences of true love, recalling a childhood memory where their father showed love by letting them have the remaining pizza slices.
- The speaker emphasized that true love is not about sacrifice but finding joy in the happiness of others and cherishing loved ones while they are still present.
- The speaker is promoting their product called "conversation cards," designed to help couples connect and communicate through different levels of vulnerability.
- The updated version 2 of the conversation cards is now available on their website.