The Quiet Revolution Against Modern Feminism - Brett Cooper (4K)
15 Jul 2024 (7 months ago)

Brett’s Marriage (0s)
- Former child actor Brett Cooper discusses her decision to marry at 22, challenging societal norms that prioritize career success over family.
- Inspired by her mother's dedication, Cooper expresses her desire to be a wife and mother, criticizing the lack of work-life balance and financial stability in the entertainment industry.
- She highlights the societal pressure on women to choose between career and family, even from those who claim to support traditional family values.
- Cooper emphasizes the importance of marriage as the foundation of a fulfilling life, drawing from personal experiences and observations.
- She stresses the significance of finding a compatible and supportive partner who aligns with her career aspirations.
- Cooper believes getting married young provided stability and grounding during her rapidly growing career.
- She acknowledges the future challenges of balancing career and family, expressing excitement about homeschooling her children and involving her audience in that journey.
Current State of Dating Advice (6m13s)
- Modern dating advice is insufficient, especially for young people who rely on dating apps and lack traditional dating experiences.
- People struggle to date outside of dating apps, leading to a decline in their usage.
- Fear of being hurt and unrealistic expectations hinder successful dating.
- Personal development and self-improvement increase one's chances of finding a suitable partner.
- Women should not delay dating for their careers, as the best men will be taken.
- Confident, secure, and caring men are better partners than arrogant and cocky men.
- The author met her husband, Brett Cooper, and quickly felt a strong connection with him.
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Brett's Advice to Attract a Good Woman (20m8s)
- Men should focus on self-improvement, including career, intelligence, physical fitness, and assertiveness, to attract women.
- Understanding women's behavior and subtle emotional cues is crucial for successful dating.
- Low-stakes interactions with women can help men overcome approach anxiety and build confidence.
- Showing up in person at places where women are present, such as group workouts or social events, creates opportunities for connection.
- Run clubs are often used as a way to meet potential romantic partners rather than for fitness purposes.
- Repeatedly going to the same place with the same group of people can help build a foundation for a relationship.
- The current generation lacks traditional dating skills due to the prevalence of digital interactions and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
What is Gen-Z’s Opinion of Motherhood? (26m6s)
- A recent study revealed that over half of women believe motherhood is as important as or more important than a career, contradicting the narrative often associated with feminism.
- Women are speaking out against cultural, social, and political issues, including the Biden administration's policies on Title 9 and transgender issues.
- The right's supposed support for traditional family values is undermined by their criticism of women who choose to focus on motherhood.
- Caution is needed when aligning with individuals or groups based solely on shared views on specific issues, as it can lead to overlooking their other problematic values.
- The speaker suggests that normalizing egg freezing at a young age could be a valuable insurance policy for women in case they face difficulties in conceiving later in life.
- There is a growing trend of young women recognizing the importance of motherhood and long-term relationships, which they believe is a reaction against casual sex and hookup culture.
- Women are becoming increasingly aware of the misleading information they have been given regarding relationships, dating, motherhood, and health, particularly in relation to birth control and women's health issues.
The Body Positivity Movement in 2024 (33m22s)
- The body positivity movement is declining as more people prioritize health and lose weight, leading to changes in various industries.
- Obesity is no longer viewed as an identity, and individuals should either accept their bodies or make an effort to lose weight.
- The body positivity movement may be driven by women encouraging overeating to reduce competition in the dating market.
- Reality TV shows like Love Island contribute to unrealistic beauty standards for women.
- Preventative Botox is gaining popularity among young women due to societal pressure to maintain a youthful appearance.
- Modern feminism promotes unnecessary cosmetic procedures, exploiting women's insecurities for financial gain.
- Men generally do not notice or care about cosmetic enhancements, and women should embrace their natural features.
Why is Gen-Z So Cynical? (42m12s)
- Gen Z is experiencing generalized cynicism, fueled by a desire for victimhood and a belief that the world is ending.
- Growing up in the digital age and constant exposure to global problems, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have contributed to Gen Z's mental health struggles.
- Gen Z tends to view challenges as insurmountable and resorts to giving up easily, leading to increased rates of depression, anxiety, and hopelessness.
- Dismissing Gen Z's concerns by saying they are "just online" is inaccurate, as the virtual world holds significant importance for this generation.
- Engaging in online discussions can be effective in changing minds, despite the perception that some individuals may be beyond hope.
- Gen Z individuals are critiquing Millennials and seeking differentiation, while Gen Alpha is characterized by excessive screen time and a lack of respect for authority figures.
- The younger generation, raised on the internet, finds enjoyment in becoming influencers and posting themselves online.
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Why Young Girls Are Self-Harming (51m45s)
- In the US, many 15 to 19-year-old girls and young women have been admitted to the ER for self-harm behaviors.
- Five times more 10 to 14-year-old girls were admitted to the ER for self-harm in 2022 than in 2009.
- Social media, peer pressure, and unrealistic standards portrayed by influencers on social media contribute to self-harm behaviors in young girls.
- Puberty can be a challenging time for girls, leading to feelings of insecurity and inadequacy.
- The COVID-19 pandemic and increased reliance on online interactions have exacerbated these issues.
- Social media glorifies mental illness, making it seem cool to be depressed or anxious, which can lead to self-harm behaviors.
Brett’s Experiences as a Child Actor in Hollywood (54m26s)
- Brett Cooper had a positive experience as a child actor due to her mother's active involvement and protection.
- Cooper's mother prioritized her daughter's happiness and supported her passion for performing after losing a son at a young age.
- Cooper acknowledges the existence of negative aspects in the industry, including the casting couch, drug usage, and scandals, but she personally did not experience anything like what was discussed in the "Quiet on Set" documentary.
- Cooper's mother was aware of Dan Schneider's reputation and prevented her daughter from auditioning for any of his projects or working at Nickelodeon.
- Cooper shares a disturbing experience with a writer on a children's show who made inappropriate comments and gestures towards her and another girl when they were just 14 years old.
- The writer had fantasies involving the girls and behaved inappropriately during a visit to the Griffith Observatory.
- The girls' mothers were aware of the writer's behavior but overlooked it in hopes of furthering their daughters' acting careers.
- Cooper criticizes the lack of boundaries and the prevalence of inappropriate behavior, particularly towards young girls, in Hollywood.
- She emphasizes the importance of self-defense training and teaching young girls how to recognize and respond to inappropriate behavior.
- Cooper discusses her decision to leave the entertainment industry due to the high personal and moral costs, including sacrificing her values and personal life.
- Cooper argues that modern feminism has become too focused on identity politics and victimhood, and has lost sight of its original goals of equality and liberation.
- Cooper believes that a new wave of feminism is emerging that is more focused on individual empowerment and personal responsibility, and less on group identity and victimhood.
Disney's Hiring Discrimination (1h7m19s)
- Disney vice president and senior vice president discussed hiring practices that prioritize diversity over merit.
- Casting breakdowns shifted from specific character descriptions to "ethnically ambiguous" roles to meet diversity quotas.
- The focus shifted from character-driven stories to meeting social justice and diversity quotas.
- The speaker, Brett Cooper, expressed disappointment as an actor and Hollywood enthusiast due to the inauthenticity and agenda-driven nature of storytelling.
- Cooper observed a decline in authentic storytelling in Hollywood, with stories being molded to fit diversity quotas and agendas.
- He criticized the industry's inability to understand the negative consequences of their actions, citing an example of a Star Wars actress expressing anti-white sentiments.
- Cooper highlighted the irony of a mixed-race actress releasing an anti-white song on Juneteenth while having a white father.
Tucker Carlson's Move to Independent Media (1h11m33s)
- Tucker Carlson's move from mainstream to independent media is seen as a positive change.
- Carlson's popularity has increased since his move, with more visibility on social media and in real life.
- Carlson's message about responsibility, marriage, and fatherhood resonates with many people, especially men.
- Independent creators are seen as the future of media, with mainstream media struggling to keep up.
- People speaking from the heart on platforms like TikTok are gaining millions of views.
- Mainstream media is seen as a dying medium, struggling to compete with independent creators.
- Mainstream media organizations are trying to adapt by talking about independent creators to generate clicks.
- The lack of media standards in independent media is criticized, but it also allows for more freedom of expression.
- Mainstream media organizations are struggling to get clicks without talking about independent creators.
How Did Brett’s Show Get Started? (1h15m48s)
- Brett Cooper, a YouTuber, collaborated with Daily Wire to create her successful show, "The Comment Section."
- Cooper's unique perspective and relatable persona filled a niche on YouTube, resonating with her generation.
- She presents a humorous and positive take on current events, aiming to drive home important points while avoiding typical conservative stereotypes.
- Cooper's ability to find humor in absurd situations has attracted viewers across the political spectrum, who appreciate her common sense and humor even if they don't always agree with her.
Reacting to Candace vs Daily Wire Drama (1h22m42s)
- Brett Cooper emphasizes the importance of staying focused on her work and not getting caught up in the drama involving Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, and Daily Wire.
- Cooper acknowledges the difficulty of navigating her personal relationships with Jeremy and Candace while maintaining professionalism.
- She expresses admiration for Candace Owens and Daily Wire's accomplishments and suggests that people often overlook the personal side of public figures and the challenges they face.
- Cooper draws a comparison between traditional news anchors and independent creators, highlighting the different expectations for professionalism and the need for a team and resources to operate independent media.
- The recent drama involving Steven Crowder and Daily Wire revealed the personal relationships and complexities behind the scenes of independent media, and getting involved in controversies can detract from a creator's content and credibility.
How Brett Chooses What to Talk About (1h29m35s)
- The creator of the YouTube show bases their content on trending topics on social media platforms like TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram.
- They focus on analyzing the deeper aspects of social media trends and cultural issues related to politics, rather than covering celebrity gossip or viral news.
- The creator spends considerable time researching and finding unique trends to create video essays that explain and analyze these trends, linking them to relevant articles and discussing their potential impact on the future of social media.
- They aim to create meaningful and valuable evergreen content that stands the test of time, while also addressing current events and news.
- The creator acknowledges the challenges of maintaining a consistent posting schedule and balancing evergreen content with timely topics.
- Their goal is to add substance to superficial online content and spark meaningful conversations, even if it means discussing seemingly trivial topics like celebrity news.
- They emphasize the importance of finding a balance between attracting viewers with attention-grabbing content and providing valuable insights and perspectives.
- The creator encourages viewers to be critical of content creators and choose what they engage with, rather than blindly following trends.
- They believe that modern feminism is not resonating with the younger generation, who are more interested in engaging with content that aligns with their interests, such as TikTok trends and celebrity gossip.
- The speaker suggests that feminists should adapt their strategies to meet the interests of the younger generation and start with topics that are relevant to them.
Working With Ben Shapiro (1h37m54s)
- Ben Shapiro is exceptionally skilled at simplifying complex information and making it understandable to the general public.
- He works incredibly hard, constantly improving, writing books, and pursuing new ventures, all while prioritizing time with his family.
- Shapiro sets clear boundaries between his work and personal life, allowing him to be fully present with his family when he is at home.
- Creating a private life that is intentionally boring or opaque can be an effective strategy for protecting one's privacy, as demonstrated by Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan.
- Mary Harrington's concept of a "digital hijab" involves keeping certain aspects of oneself private from the internet.
- Despite efforts to keep his private life private, Shapiro has faced criticism for doing so, highlighting the challenges of maintaining privacy in the public eye.
Why Brett Keeps Her Personal Life Private (1h41m54s)
- Brett Cooper faced backlash for keeping her engagement and marriage private, contrasting with influencers like Alex Cooper who openly discussed personal matters.
- Cooper intentionally separated her personal life from her public persona, sharing only certain aspects with her audience to maintain privacy and content integrity.
- Some male viewers felt misled by her content, believing they had a chance with her, which she regrets.
- Cooper acknowledges the challenges of dating and maintaining a relationship as a public figure, especially without prior experience.
- Social media, particularly TikTok, has impacted relationships and public involvement in personal lives, as seen in the intense scrutiny of a popular TikTok couple's breakup.
- Cooper emphasizes the importance of privacy in relationships and setting boundaries when sharing personal information online.
- Her husband prefers privacy and avoids being defined by her public persona.
- Cooper experienced the "staran effect" after slightly revealing their relationship, leading to intense public scrutiny and the uncovering of personal information about her partner.
- To prevent false stories and excessive digging, Cooper and her husband decided to share information about their marriage publicly, aiming for authenticity while respecting their values and privacy.
- Despite their nontraditional public dynamic, with Cooper being more visible and her husband maintaining a private role, their relationship at home follows traditional gender roles, with her husband as the head of the household.
Being in a Relationship With a Unique Dynamic (1h52m21s)
- Women's success in education and income has shifted power dynamics in relationships, leading to a need for both men and women to adjust their expectations.
- Men should prioritize emotional stability and ambition in partners, while women should consider a man's potential for growth and ambition.
- The "starving artist" stereotype appeals to women due to its implication of potential growth and talent, while successful women may be overlooked in favor of more agreeable and emotionally stable partners.
- Modern feminism's emphasis on assertiveness and independence in women can intimidate men, necessitating that women learn about "Kino escalation" and how to express genuine interest.
- Both men and women need to reevaluate their expectations to foster healthy relationships.
How to Deal With Being Socially Awkward When Young (1h58m21s)
- Brett Cooper believes that embracing one's uniqueness as a child can be beneficial.
- Cooper suggests that children should interact with adults and older individuals to develop social skills, rather than primarily interacting with peers in a traditional school system.
- Homeschooling can provide diverse social experiences through extracurricular activities, volunteering, and church involvement, exposing children to different people from various backgrounds.
- Cooper emphasizes the importance of responsibility and working with adults, as it helps children learn to interact professionally and maturely.
- For individuals struggling with social anxiety, Cooper recommends patience and exploring methods like pantomime or improv classes to improve social skills.
- Overcoming the fear of rejection can be achieved through exposure therapy, such as intentionally putting oneself in situations where rejection is likely.
- Engaging in low-stakes conversations can help reduce pressure and anxiety.
- Maintaining a routine of self-improvement, such as daily shows or creative work, can boost confidence and prevent social stagnation.
- Regular social interaction and mental engagement are essential for maintaining social skills and preventing social awkwardness.
What is Brett's Daily Routine? (2h5m20s)
- Brett Cooper wakes up at 5:45 AM, uses a sunrise alarm clock, and has a quick breakfast before arriving at the office early to beat traffic.
- Cooper and Matt Walsh collaborate on writing their show in the morning before filming, with Cooper preferring bullet points and links rather than a fully written script.
- Cooper structures the show like an essay, with an introduction, body, and conclusion, and sometimes writes out more technical or sensitive episodes in advance.
- Cooper discusses the importance of protecting children's innocence and expresses concern about society's disregard for it.
- Cooper's daily schedule varies after 11 am, with some days ending early, allowing her to work on personal projects and enjoy her farm, while other days involve additional work in Nashville until 6 pm.
- Cooper focuses on collaborating with her team on creative strategies, communicating her ideas, and discussing potential brand partnerships with ad sales.
- Cooper enjoys spending time with her producer, her husband, and prioritizing workouts before leaving Nashville.
- Cooper and her husband try to complete their tasks before returning home to spend quality time together.
- Cooper has a strict nighttime routine, which includes moisturizing with tallow, wearing pajamas, and engaging in activities like reading or working on her show.
- Cooper usually falls asleep between 10 PM and 11 PM.
The Role of Faith in Brett’s Life (2h14m32s)
- Brett Cooper's upbringing exposed her to various religious denominations, leading her to question the authenticity of faith due to observed hypocrisy and judgment within her extended family.
- During a challenging time, including her parents' divorce and caring for her schizophrenic brother, a friend introduced her to consistent Christian practices.
- Despite attending church, she struggled to fully understand the teachings due to lack of Bible knowledge.
- Cooper re-engaged with Christianity upon returning to Nashville after experiencing limited religious influence in college and Hollywood.
- Her journey involves ongoing learning, taking leaps of faith, and finding common ground with her husband, Alex, who was also exploring his religious beliefs.
- Cooper underwent RCIA to explore Catholicism due to its similarities to her father's Episcopalian church.
- The speaker expresses interest in Catholicism but feels they need more education before fully committing.
- Faith is a personal journey, and the speaker is cautious about sharing their beliefs publicly until they have a deeper understanding.
- There is a growing Christian revival, with many celebrities and young people embracing their faith more openly.
- Michael Knowles inspired the speaker's exploration of Catholicism.
- Revivals are happening on college campuses and beyond, attracting people nationwide.
- The speaker believes cynicism and lack of fulfillment drive young people towards faith as they seek purpose and guidance in an uncertain world.
- Despite a tumultuous childhood and exposure to disturbing content in their demanding industry, the speaker finds stability and guidance in family and faith, which they prioritize above current trends and issues.
Can Understanding Heal Political Division? (2h24m12s)
- A study reveals that political polarization stems from misperceiving opponents' extreme views, leading to disliking and avoidance.
- Partisan media fuels polarization by not providing balanced perspectives, and political polarization leads to greater acceptance of unethical tactics.
- Brett Cooper emphasizes the importance of finding common ground and humor to connect with people and avoid alienating them.
- Cooper stresses the significance of presenting ideas in a non-confrontational and non-patronizing manner to increase the chances of persuading others.
- People's beliefs are more durably impacted by stories than statistics, so it's important to start with a story or anecdote to grab attention, then back it up with facts and statistics.
How Brett Remains Upbeat & Positive (2h35m48s)
- Brett Cooper believes in a future worth saving despite challenges and cynicism, finding hope in advancements, health, and wealth.
- She stresses personal responsibility and control over responses to negative news and social media.
- Cooper views having children as a hopeful act, demonstrating belief in the future and shaping the next generation.
- She emphasizes radical personal responsibility and accountability as empowering and freeing.
- Cooper criticizes modern feminism for losing focus on important issues.
- She highlights the importance of humor and creating a safe space for laughter across political affiliations.
- Cooper maintains a positive outlook, believing individuals have control over their lives and can make improvements.
- She encourages taking action to better one's situation if dissatisfied with current circumstances.
Where to Find Brett (2h41m15s)
- Brett Cooper can be found on various social media platforms and on YouTube as "Brett Cooper".
- Brett Cooper and her team have launched their content on Spotify, offering both video and audio formats.
- Brett Cooper has ventured back into acting with the Daily Wire, collaborating with like-minded individuals who share her values.
- Brett Cooper is involved in several projects, including the upcoming release of "Pen Dragon" and the in-progress production of "Snow White".
- Brett Cooper is excited about the growth and evolution of her brand, promising continued development and taking her audience along on her journey.
- Brett Cooper expresses gratitude for the opportunity to be on the show and thanks the audience for tuning in.
- Brett Cooper recommends her three-hour conversation with Jordan Peterson for those who enjoyed the episode.