How household income affects educational outcomes | Karim Amghar | TEDxVUAmsterdam
12 Jun 2024 (3 months ago)
Kareem's Personal Experience
- Kareem, a Dutch citizen born to Moroccan immigrants, shares his experience of feeling different despite growing up in a diverse and inclusive environment.
- At age 12, during a crucial educational assessment, his teacher advised him to lower his aspirations due to his parents' lack of involvement in his education.
- Despite their limited education, Kareem's parents made significant efforts to support their children's learning.
- The lack of social codes and cultural capital within his family affected Kareem's self-perception and led to depression and self-doubt.
Inequality in Education
- Kareem emphasizes the importance of equality of opportunities in education for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.
- He highlights the issue of inequality in the Netherlands, where over a million people live in absolute poverty and many more face relative poverty, limiting their participation in society.
- The Dutch education system assumes students come from families involved in Dutch society, leading to high learning efficiency and reaching one's full potential.
- However, the system is broken for many children growing up in poverty, leading to low expectations and a belief in meritocracy that can make students feel desperate and inadequate.
- Socioeconomic research shows that one-third of children aged eight or nine are stressed and live in stressed households, negatively impacting learning efficiency.
- Schools with higher relaxation rates achieve better results, suggesting relaxation is crucial for learning efficiency.
- Factors like having more books, visiting museums, and having breakfast at school are directly linked to a child's ability to reach their full potential.
- Stress levels and learning efficiency are inversely related, while relaxation in schools leads to increased learning efficiency.
- The education system is heavily influenced by parental income, leading to shadow education and the Matthew effect, where the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.
- The self-fulfilling prophecy, based on socioeconomic background and educational segregation, can have a lasting impact on individuals' lives.
Challenges Faced by Immigrants
- Kareem's father's journey of navigating a new country and culture without guidance serves as a metaphor for the challenges faced by immigrants in integrating into a new society.
The Dutch Education System
- The Netherlands has seven different education levels, which is unique globally and can contribute to educational segregation.
Fixed Mindset and Overcoming Low Expectations
- A fixed mindset resulting from poverty can hinder individuals' potential, as illustrated by the author's personal experience of overcoming low expectations through high expectations from one brother.