Stanford EE259 I GPS satellite orbits, PRN ranging I 2023 I Lecture 3

18 Jan 2024 (9 months ago)
Stanford EE259 I GPS satellite orbits, PRN ranging I 2023 I Lecture 3

The video discusses the GPS signal model and the different components involved in GPS ranging. It begins by explaining the GPS signal model, which consists of a modulated signal with in-phase and quadrature components, a carrier frequency, and two signals: a ranging code (X) and a navigation signal (D). The video then discusses the different types of ranging codes and navigation signals used in GPS, including legacy and modern versions. It explains the importance of the navigation signals in providing satellite position and status information through data packets.

The video then moves on to discuss the satellite orbits and how the ephemeris information is used to find the satellite's location in orbit. It explains the coordinate systems used in GPS, including the earth-centered earth-fixed coordinate system (ECEF) and the geodetic coordinate system (latitude, longitude, height). It also discusses the shape of the earth and the gravitational field model used in GPS.

Next, the video explains the concept of time of flight estimation using ranging codes. It discusses the signal model for time of flight estimation and explains the least squares estimation method used to estimate the attenuation and time of flight. It also discusses the importance of choosing ranging codes with good autocorrelation properties, such as maximal length sequences (MLS) or M-sequences, for accurate time of flight estimation. It explains how these codes have a sharp peak in their autocorrelation function and low side lobes, making them ideal for ranging.

The video then discusses the implementation of time of flight ranging in GPS receivers. It explains the process of demodulating the received signal, generating a local replica of the ranging code, and calculating the correlation between the replica and the received signal. It explains how the correlation peak corresponds to the time of flight, which can then be converted to range using the speed of light.

The video also mentions some non-idealities in GPS ranging, such as the need to compensate for timing offsets and Doppler shift. It briefly explains how these non-idealities can affect the accuracy of ranging and localization in GPS.

Overall, the video provides an overview of the GPS signal model, ranging codes, satellite orbits, and the concept of time of flight estimation using ranging codes. It emphasizes the importance of good autocorrelation properties in ranging codes for accurate time of flight estimation and discusses some of the implementation details in GPS receivers.

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