From Mind-Fool-Mess to Mindfulness: Breath Rhythm & Music for Your Well-Being | Igor Iwanek | TEDxBU
18 Jul 2024 (7 months ago)

The Relationship Between Breath and Well-being
- Lung capacity is the greatest indicator of lifespan and is directly related to breath.
- The ancient science of yoga teaches that the mind and breath are partners, and when the breath is unsteady, the mind becomes unsteady.
- Researchers have found that the brain monitors the breath to determine how a person is feeling and adjusts the hormonal cocktail accordingly, influencing emotions.
- The most important aspect of breath is its rhythm, which can be influenced by musical rhythm and sound.
- Breath extension practices, such as pranayama, can help improve lung capacity and overall well-being.
The Science of Breath
- Humans are wired for musical rhythm, as they develop a fully functioning auditory system 20 weeks into their life in the womb.
- The predominant nostril through which a person is breathing can indicate their body's state and whether they should be social or introspective.
- Pressing a specific spot between the thumb and index finger can influence which nostril is predominantly open.
- Slowing down the breath to less than four breaths per minute can have significant health benefits.
The Practice of Conscious Breathing
- The breath extension practice involves inhaling for 4 seconds and gradually extending the exhalation from 4 seconds to 12 seconds, focusing on conscious and intentional breathing.
- Extending the exhalation allows the heart muscle to slow down and relax.
- The practice is guided by music and should be done comfortably, without pushing oneself beyond their limits.
- Conscious and intentional breathing is a powerful tool for connecting with others and the world around us.
- Conscious breathing helps us become more available to life and gives us the freedom to be well, regardless of external circumstances.
- Conscious breathing acts as a shower for our minds, cleansing agitated emotions and promoting mental clarity.
- By practicing conscious and intentional breathing, we can create a more fragrant world and keep our minds clean.