Nano in my world: Too small to see, too big to ignore | Sevil Akaygün | TEDxEyüboğlu HS Youth
14 Jun 2024 (8 months ago)

Nanotechnology and its Scale
- Nanotechnology involves the study and manipulation of entities at the nanoscale, which ranges from 1 to 100 nanometers.
- A nanometer is approximately the size of 10 hydrogen atoms or one billionth of a meter.
Properties and Research at the Nanoscale
- Properties such as optical, electrical, and chemical characteristics change at the nanoscale.
- Electromagnetic forces dominate over gravitational forces at this scale.
- Researchers use instruments like electron scanning microscopes and atomic force microscopy to conduct research in the nano field.
Applications of Nanotechnology
- Nanotechnology finds applications in health technology, environmental technology, and the production of new materials.
- Silver nanoparticles are used in antibacterial materials in hospitals and homes.
- The Lotus effect inspires the creation of super hydrophobic surfaces, mimicking the water-repellent properties of the Lotus plant.
- Nanotechnology enables the development of special fabrics with water-repellent properties.
- In electronics, nanotechnology enhances data storage capacity and improves device performance.
- Gold nanoparticles are utilized in medicine for cancer diagnosis and treatment by absorbing radiation and destroying tumors.
Risks and Considerations
- Nanoparticles may pose risks to human health and the environment if released during production, transportation, storage, or consumption.
- Inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact with nanoparticles can lead to diseases and health issues.
- The use of nanotechnology requires careful evaluation of both its benefits and potential risks.
Impact and Future of Nanotechnology
- Nanotechnology is a rapidly developing field that has a significant impact on our daily lives.
- Informed decisions are necessary regarding the use of nanotechnology, considering both its benefits and risks.
- Nanotechnology presents opportunities for researchers, engineers, doctors, and lawyers to contribute to its responsible development and application.