Ne İstediğini Bilen Başarır! | Dilek Cesur | TEDxErciyesKoleji
06 Jun 2024 (9 months ago)

Overcoming Learned Helplessness
- Many people get stuck in a state of inertia and learned helplessness, preventing them from achieving their goals.
- This is often due to negative experiences or beliefs that discourage people from trying new things or taking risks.
- Failure is not the opposite of success, but rather a learning opportunity.
- People should approach challenges with the mindset that they will either win or learn, rather than fearing failure.
- Despite the presence of many successful people, everyone has the potential to achieve great things.
Finding Flow and Happiness
- The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding flow and happiness in one's life.
- They encourage individuals to pursue their passions and interests, rather than solely focusing on what the system dictates.
- True fulfillment comes from engaging in activities that bring joy and excitement.
- The speaker shares their personal experiences and how they prioritize happiness in their life.
- They discuss the power of intention and how it shapes our actions and perceptions.
- Setting long-term goals and taking steps towards achieving them is important.
- The concept of selective perception influences our focus and attention.
Taking Action and Writing Your Own Story
- The speaker wants to have long conversations with the audience but is limited by a format.
- They are grateful for the opportunity to speak and share an African proverb.
- The proverb is about a lion and a gazelle, each of whom must run faster than the other to survive.
- The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking action and not just being a passive observer in life.
- Everyone has the right to write their own story and should not be content with just listening to the stories of others.
- The speaker encourages the audience to believe in themselves and write the best story they can.