The Fasting Expert: "The Truth About Ozempic", These 3 Foods Are Leading To Cancer! - Dr Mindy Pelz

28 Jun 2024 (4 months ago)
The Fasting Expert: "The Truth About Ozempic", These 3 Foods Are Leading To Cancer! - Dr Mindy Pelz

Intro (0s)

  • Mindy Pelz, a renowned health expert, emphasizes the importance of taking control of one's health through fasting, nutrition, and lifestyle changes.
  • The biggest lie about the food environment is that all food is safe.
  • Processed meats, sugars, toxic oils, donuts, and juice boxes are cancer-feeding foods.
  • The liver is the most important organ in the body.
  • Symptoms of an unhealthy liver can be seen on the bottom of the feet.
  • Studies show that the longer one spends not eating, the more the body heals itself and burns belly fat.

Impact From The Last Episode (2m14s)

  • The previous conversation between Dr. Mindy and the host reached over 10 million people across various platforms.
  • Two top comments highlighted the positive impact of intermittent fasting on listeners' lives, leading to weight loss, improved health, and increased confidence.
  • Fasting can empower individuals and provide them with the ability to overcome challenges in other areas of their lives.
  • Modern conveniences have made life easier but have also reduced people's sense of personal power.
  • Women's health has been particularly affected by this trend.
  • The key to success is taking action, applying information, and achieving results.

Impact Of The Book Globally (5m0s)

  • The book "Fast Like a Girl" has sold over 77,000 copies worldwide in various formats (audio, ebook, hardcover).
  • The book received numerous positive reviews and increased demand for communication with the author, requiring additional staff to handle the influx of messages.
  • The author expresses surprise at the book's success and attributes it to providing women with an effective, accessible, and empowering tool that doesn't require money, time, or prescriptions.
  • Fasting involves alternating between periods of eating and not eating, with longer fasting periods promoting self-healing in the body.
  • This concept of "metabolic switching" was novel to many women and provided them with a tool that they could easily apply and experience positive results quickly.
  • Unlike relying on doctors and medications, fasting empowers individuals to take control of their health and well-being.

What Is Fasting? (9m15s)

  • Fasting is a natural process that humans have evolved to do.
  • In hunter-gatherer days, humans would often go long periods without food and their bodies would switch to burning fat for energy.
  • Today, we have constant access to food and we don't often give our bodies a chance to switch to burning fat.
  • This can lead to health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • The Thrifty Gene hypothesis suggests that humans who were able to efficiently store and use fat during times of food scarcity were more likely to survive and reproduce.
  • This gene is still present in humans today, but it can be detrimental if we don't give our bodies a chance to use it.
  • People who are constantly eating and not burning fat are actually killing themselves because they are not in alignment with their own biology.
  • Our taste buds have been hijacked by the chemicals in our food.
  • We get so much dopamine from food now that we can even get a dopamine response just by looking at our favorite food.
  • This makes it difficult to resist unhealthy foods, even if we know they are bad for us.

We're Sold Dangerous Food As Safe (13m40s)

  • The biggest lie is that all food is safe.
  • The FDA can put chemicals under the category of "generally recognized as safe" without scientific proof of safety.
  • The FDA has a "innocent until proven guilty" philosophy around food.
  • The FDA and Food are in the same Administration, which may indicate a lack of priority for food safety.
  • Some foods are medicine, while others can cause disease.

How To Read A Food Label To Know If It's Harmful For Us (15m24s)

  • Learn to read ingredient labels.
  • If you don't recognize an ingredient, look it up to see if it's harmful.
  • Avoid foods with long ingredient labels or chemical ingredients.
  • Shop around the outside of the grocery store for fresh, unprocessed foods.
  • Foods without labels are more likely to be authentic and unprocessed.

What About Eating Frequency? (17m35s)

  • The idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day originated as an ad slogan for Kellogg's Corn Flakes in the 1970s.
  • There is no evidence to suggest that eating six meals a day speeds up metabolism.
  • Time-restricted eating, as opposed to eating every waking hour, is more beneficial for metabolism.

What Is Calorie Restrictive Eating? (19m32s)

  • Time-restricted eating involves compressing the eating window and having a designated fasting window.
  • The length of the fasting window determines the activation of healing mechanisms.
  • Calorie restriction involves consuming a specific number of calories daily.
  • Time-restricted eating focuses on nutrient deficiency and glucose reduction, while calorie restriction is based on calorie balance.

Your Thoughts On Ozempic As A Tool For Weightloss (21m0s)

  • Ozempic, a drug for metabolic health, has become popular for achieving fasting-like outcomes but faces challenges such as high cost and side effects.
  • Fasting can also reduce hunger and promote weight loss by switching the body into a ketogenic energy system that burns fat and produces ketones, suppressing the hunger hormone.
  • Concerns exist about the potential widespread use of Ozempic or similar drugs in the future, emphasizing the need for long-term studies (20-40 years) to assess their safety and efficacy, especially for women.
  • While Ozempic can lead to positive weight loss experiences, a fasting lifestyle can be a beneficial complement to the drug, promoting a sense of empowerment and self-efficacy in weight management.

Are We Choosing Comfort Over Hardwork? (27m12s)

  • Increasing comfort and convenience in society, such as with AI and food delivery, can lead to a lack of discipline and discomfort, potentially causing negative consequences in the future.
  • Outsourcing health solutions, like relying on medications or exogenous ketones, can reduce personal empowerment and may result in a long-term human crisis.
  • Embracing discomfort today can serve as a valuable principle for personal growth and well-being, preventing greater discomfort in the future.
  • Miracle drugs or cures often come with unknown costs and uncertainties, requiring careful consideration before adoption.
  • While Ozempic has some positive effects, it should not be regarded as a miracle drug, and lifestyle changes remain crucial for long-term health.
  • Diet choices made today can have invisible consequences that may only manifest later in life, potentially leading to serious health problems.
  • A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, can help prevent the development of various diseases, such as Alzheimer's and hormonal cancers.
  • The benefits of a healthy lifestyle may not be immediately apparent, as prevention lacks tangible rewards.

Ketos And The Ketogenic Diet (32m52s)

  • The speaker is not a strict advocate of the ketogenic diet.
  • The ketogenic diet has some benefits, such as reducing processed carbs and lowering blood sugar.
  • However, the ketogenic diet can be restrictive and may lead to nutrient deficiencies, especially in women.
  • The speaker recommends a "ketobiotic" approach, which combines elements of the ketogenic diet with a focus on fruits, vegetables, and fiber.
  • Pulsing ketones through fasting is encouraged rather than relying solely on dietary manipulation.

How Long Do I Need To Fast To Switch To Fat Burning? (34m23s)

  • Fasting for 12 hours is generally sufficient to switch the body from burning sugar to burning fat.
  • Some individuals may take longer to make the switch and may experience challenges during the transition.
  • The speaker's new book provides a food manual to help individuals clean up their diet and facilitate the switch to a fasted state.

Can You Have Liquids When Fasting? (35m50s)

  • Water is generally fine during fasting, although some extreme cases of blood sugar spikes from water have been observed.
  • Black coffee is usually acceptable, but it should be chemical-free and organic.
  • Teas can also be consumed during the fasting window.

Common Myths And Mistakes About Intermittent Fasting (36m31s)

  • Intermittent fasting mistakes include consuming diet drinks with artificial sweeteners, drinking fruit juice, and not cleaning up the diet.
  • Customize fasting to your preferences, such as skipping dinner or breakfast or choosing a lunch-to-lunch fasting window.
  • Eating in the light and avoiding eating in the dark can improve insulin sensitivity.
  • Some individuals may experience hunger and sugar cravings while fasting.
  • The Every Other Day Diet study showed that alternating between eating freely one day and fasting the next for a year improved metabolic markers and changed taste preferences, leading to healthier food cravings.
  • Food cravings can be influenced by gut bacteria, and consuming toxic foods can lead to cravings for unhealthy foods.
  • Fasting can help change the gut microbiome and potentially alter food cravings.

How Does Fasting Affect The Microbiome? (41m35s)

  • Fasting promotes the growth of stem cells that repair the gut and eliminate harmful bacteria. The first meal after fasting should include probiotic, prebiotic, and polyphenol foods to nourish and increase beneficial gut bacteria.
  • Adopting a healthy diet can alter food preferences within weeks, reducing cravings for unhealthy foods.
  • The hemoglobin A1c test measures glucose and insulin patterns over 90 days and indicates metabolic system efficiency. Aiming for a hemoglobin A1c level around 5 is ideal for insulin sensitivity and efficient metabolism.
  • Higher hemoglobin A1c levels indicate glycation, where red blood cells become coated with excess glucose, impairing their oxygen-carrying capacity.
  • Individuals with a hemoglobin A1c of around 5 experience a rapid spike in blood sugar after consuming a brownie, followed by a quick return to normal within 60 to 90 minutes.
  • Individuals with a hemoglobin A1c of 5.5 to 5.8 experience a similar blood sugar spike after consuming a brownie, but it takes two to three hours for their glucose levels to return to normal due to impaired insulin sensitivity.

The Benefits Of Fasting (47m34s)

  • Fasting for 36 hours followed by 12 hours of eating, repeated for 30 days, can reduce waist circumference and burn belly fat.
  • The biggest benefit of fasting is improved mental health, including increased mental clarity, happiness, and reduced inflammation.
  • Ketones, produced during fasting, sharpen focus and promote calmness by increasing GABA, a neurotransmitter.

When Shouldn't Women Fast? (49m48s)

  • Women should avoid fasting during the week before their period and the week of their period.
  • Estrogen, dominant in the first half of a woman's cycle, promotes insulin sensitivity and benefits from fasting.
  • Progesterone, dominant in the second half of the cycle, requires higher glucose levels and is negatively affected by fasting.
  • Fasting during the progesterone-dominant phase disrupts the natural hormonal balance and can lead to problems such as infertility and increased testosterone.

The Impact Of Fasting Before Menstruation (52m4s)

  • Fasting during the week before menstruation can lead to loss of menstrual cycles.
  • Progesterone needs to peak for the uterine lining to shed and menstruation to occur.
  • Fasting during this time may prevent progesterone from peaking, resulting in the absence of menstruation.
  • Menstrual blood contains toxic chemicals such as phthalates, parabens, forever chemicals, and plastics.
  • Not having a menstrual cycle means these toxins are not being detoxed from the body.

The Rise In Menstrual Cycle Changes (53m1s)

  • Many women experience irregular or absent menstrual cycles, which can be frustrating and confusing.
  • Not having a menstrual cycle can make women feel broken or defective.
  • It is important to remember that getting a menstrual cycle back is beneficial for overall health, even if pregnancy is not desired.
  • The absence of menstruation is often seen as a positive thing in current culture, but it should be reconsidered.
  • Women's bodies need to shed every month for optimal health.
  • For women struggling to get their periods, it is important to recognize that a woman's body is rhythmic and goes through different phases.
  • Not shedding menstrual blood means missing a crucial part of the rhythm that defines womanhood.

Accommodations For Women In The Workplace (55m3s)

  • Employers should consider providing accommodations for women based on their menstrual cycles.
  • One possible accommodation is to offer three days of leave every month, which employees can take whenever they want.
  • This would allow women to take time off during the week before their period, when they may experience symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, and brain fog.
  • Taking time off during this time can help women support their hormonal health and return to work feeling refreshed and more productive.
  • This policy would also benefit men, as they could also take advantage of the unlimited holiday policy without having to disclose the reason for their absence.

Let's Talk Apple Cider Vinegar (58m4s)

  • Apple cider vinegar stabilizes blood sugar.
  • It can be taken before or after a meal to reduce glucose spikes.
  • Apple cider vinegar nurtures gut microbes, which control blood sugar levels.
  • It helps balance blood sugar by sending bacterial signals to the liver.

When Should We Be Eating? (1h0m48s)

  • Feast-famine cycling is the best way to eat, mimicking our hunter-gatherer ancestors.
  • One meal a day (OMAD) is not ideal as it doesn't mimic the natural feast-famine cycle.
  • OMAD can lead to health issues in women, such as losing their period and hair loss.
  • Variation in meal frequency is recommended, allowing for one meal one day and three meals the next.
  • This flexibility allows individuals to be in flow with food and avoid rigidity.

Recommendations For Weightloss And Repair (1h2m44s)

  • Apple cider vinegar can be consumed during the fasting window, especially for individuals with high blood sugar.
  • Coffee may speed up metabolism.
  • Spicy foods like cayenne pepper can also increase metabolism.
  • Honey is a good sweetener, but it should be consumed in moderation due to its high glycemic index.

Cancer Feeding Foods (1h4m25s)

  • Processed meats, such as hot dogs, have been linked to a higher risk of leukemia in children.
  • Sugar cereals, toxic oils, donuts, juice boxes, and Gogurts are all examples of cancer-feeding foods that are often marketed to children.
  • Obesogens, which are found in many processed foods, can reprogram stem cells into fat cells, leading to childhood obesity and chronic health problems.

What Is An Obesegen? (1h7m3s)

  • Obesogens are chemicals allowed in food that turn stem cells into fat cells.
  • Stem cells are versatile cells that can repair and create various body parts.
  • The influx of obesogens in our food, personal care products, and environment contributes to the obesity crisis, especially in children.
  • The current focus on obesity as a problem of individual discipline ignores the role of obesogens in causing obesity.
  • Fixing the food system is crucial to address the root cause of obesity and prevent related health issues like cancer and mental health problems.

Ozempic Is Not The Way To Solve The Obesity Crisis (1h10m10s)

  • Ozempic may help with weight loss, but it does not address the underlying causes of obesity, such as obesogens in the food system.
  • Despite potential weight loss, individuals may still suffer from health issues linked to poor diet, such as cancer and mental health problems.
  • The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity in the US, UK, and among children highlights the severity of the problem.
  • The root cause of the obesity crisis lies in the presence of obesogens in our food and environment, which needs to be addressed.
  • The media and society often fail to acknowledge the role of obesogens and focus on individual responsibility, ignoring the influence of the food industry's financial interests.
  • Parents should demand change by voting with their dollars and choosing natural, healthy, and obesogen-free foods for their children.

How Would Mindy Fix The Food System? (1h11m59s)

  • Implement an education system that teaches metabolic switching and intuitive eating.
  • Provide continuous glucose monitors to everyone to help them understand their body's response to different foods.
  • Outlaw chemicals in food and promote real, whole foods that spoil within a week.
  • Offer healthy meat options that are free from antibiotics and growth hormones, as well as a variety of eggs and fermented foods.

Can Fasting Help Our Body Heal? (1h16m19s)

  • Fasting for 24 hours can increase intestinal stem cells, while fasting for 72 hours can increase systemic stem cells.
  • Systemic stem cells can repair any part of the body.
  • Fasting has been shown to accelerate the healing of injuries, such as Achilles tendon injuries.
  • A study by Walter Longo showed that a 3-day water fast can reboot the immune system.
  • A study by Walter Longo also showed that a 5-day fast mimicking diet once a month for three months can regrow pancreatic cells in type 1 diabetics.
  • Fasting may also help with muscle and skeletal repair, but more research is needed.

Is Protein Really That Good? (1h20m55s)

  • Protein is an essential macronutrient, and it is recommended to consume at least 30 grams of protein at the first meal of the day.
  • Consuming 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight or 1 to 2 grams of protein per pound of ideal body weight is recommended.
  • Eating a large amount of protein in one meal can lead to excess glucose and extra fat, so it is better to dose protein intake throughout the day.
  • Protein cycling, or pulsing protein intake, was previously thought to be the best way to get protein into the system, but this concept has been updated.
  • The body can process more than 20 grams of protein per day, and consuming more protein can lead to better workouts, muscle growth, and improved metabolic health in younger women.
  • However, excessive protein intake can cause weight gain in women going through perimenopause due to insulin insensitivity, as extra protein turns into glucose and is stored as fat.
  • It is important to experiment with protein intake and find what works best for each individual.

How Important Is Our Liver? (1h25m12s)

  • A healthy liver is essential for overall health, as it breaks down hormones and converts them into usable forms for the body.
  • Signs of an unhealthy liver may include difficulty producing ketones during fasting, impaired alcohol processing, yellowing of the inner corner of the eye, and dry, cracked feet due to poor circulation.
  • Menstrual blood flow can also indicate liver health, such as its consistency and flow rate.
  • Dr. Mindy Pelz discusses how examining one's feet can provide insights into their health.
  • Dry and cracked feet may indicate liver problems, while soft feet are a sign of good liver health.
  • Dr. Pelz emphasizes the importance of privacy and making personal decisions about sharing personal information, such as photos of one's feet.

Daily Routines For Checking Your Body Is Functioning Well (1h31m5s)

  • Look at the corner of your eyes for a yellow tinge, which could indicate liver issues.
  • Check your tongue every morning for a white coat, which could be a sign of candida or too much yeast in the system.
  • A black tongue during fasting can indicate candida or yeast coming out.
  • Fasting, reducing sugar, alcohol, and fruit consumption can help improve tongue health.
  • Ridges in the nails or slow nail growth can indicate mineral deficiency.
  • Look for organic minerals from sources like fulvic and humic acid, which are rich in minerals often lacking in typical supplements or food due to conventional farming practices.

We Are Getting Less Nutrients From Our Crops (1h33m43s)

  • Monocropped and tilled soils are deficient in minerals.
  • Broccoli from regenerative farms has more minerals than conventionally grown broccoli.
  • Eating from regenerative farms provides essential minerals that may be lacking in a typical diet.
  • Fasting can help reduce toxins and improve nutrient absorption.
  • Adding mineral supplements during the fasted window can further support nutrient intake.
  • Key minerals to consider supplementing include magnesium, zinc, and selenium.
  • Eyes, feet, nails, hair, and hair growth rate can indicate overall health.
  • Consistent moisture and texture of hair can be a sign of good health.

Is Alcohol Good For Us? (1h37m57s)

  • Alcohol has negative effects on brain and liver health, hormone balance, and can lead to addiction.
  • Moderate consumption of clean wine can temporarily lower cortisol and glucose levels, promoting relaxation and social connection by increasing oxytocin.
  • Alternative forms of connection and relaxation, such as breath work and ecstatic dances, exist in cultures where alcohol is not widely consumed.
  • Oxytocin is a powerful hormone that promotes human connection and lowers cortisol levels.
  • Engaging in activities that promote oxytocin release, such as spending time with loved ones, petting a dog, or ecstatic dancing, can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
  • It's important to balance oxytocin-rich activities with cortisol-producing activities throughout the day.

Is There A Link Between Oxytocin And Diet? (1h45m24s)

  • Oxytocin levels can influence food choices.
  • Higher oxytocin levels are associated with better food choices and weight loss.
  • Oxytocin can be increased through physical touch, hugging, and positive social interactions.
  • Reducing stress and increasing oxytocin levels can improve hormonal balance and dietary choices.

The Loneliness Epidemic (1h49m0s)

  • Loneliness and lack of positive social connections can lead to higher cortisol levels and poor dietary choices.
  • Positive relationships and social connections can help reduce the risk of certain diseases, including lung cancer.
  • Human connection acts as insulation against life's stresses and poor dietary choices.

The DOAC Health Toolbox (1h49m12s)

  • Health should be approached with a personalized toolbox mentality, using different tools (supplements, exercise, fasting, etc.) based on individual circumstances and goals.
  • Supplements should be used as needed, not daily, as some may be obtained through diet or may not be necessary depending on lifestyle factors.
  • Exercise, such as strength training or cardio, should be chosen based on individual needs and goals, as neither is inherently better than the other.
  • Fasting can be useful for autophagy and shedding dysfunctional cells but should be done when appropriate, not every day.
  • Prioritizing certain foods and lifestyle choices can significantly impact overall health and well-being.
  • Consuming eggs supports brain health due to their choline content.
  • Adding more fats, such as avocados, helps stabilize blood sugar and improves mental clarity.
  • Consuming cruciferous vegetables and fiber supports liver function and alleviates menopausal symptoms like hot flashes.
  • Lifestyle adjustments, such as prioritizing social connections and reducing stress, positively impact overall health.

Last Guest Question (1h57m8s)

  • Dr. Mindy Pelz is asked if she is in love with life and if life is loving her back.
  • Dr. Pelz expresses her love for life and her passion for her work.
  • She mentions her book "Fast Like a Girl" and recommends it to everyone, regardless of gender.
  • She also recommends her book "Eat Like a Girl" for practical ways to improve nutrition.
  • Dr. Mindy Pelz is a fasting expert and author of the books "Fast Like a Girl" and "Eat Like a Girl".
  • In this podcast, she discusses the truth about Ozempic, a new diabetes drug that has been shown to cause weight loss.
  • She also discusses three foods that are leading to cancer.

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