S4 E16: Coal, Mr. Nutterbutter & AHCA: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
26 Aug 2024 (5 months ago)

The Fragility of the Healthcare System
- Donald Trump called the American Healthcare Act “mean” in a meeting with Republican Senators. (1m56s)
- The National Association of Insurance Commissioners stated that insurance companies are averse to uncertainty, particularly regarding federal operations rules, and guidance. (4m9s)
- Anthem, the last statewide insurer in Ohio, withdrew from the Obamacare Marketplace, citing “continual changes in federal operations rules and guidance.” (4m32s)
The Unfulfilled Promises to Coal Miners
- Donald Trump promised coal miners that they would be "working asses off" if he was elected. (7m29s)
- The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that only 1,300 coal jobs have been created since the previous year, not the 50,000 claimed. (8m8s)
- While coal mining jobs did decline under President Obama, they have been declining for decades. (12m0s)
- The Kentucky Coal Mining Museum is now powered by solar energy. (12m59s)
- Coal companies are replacing miners with machines at an increasing rate. (13m19s)
The Contradictions of Bob Murray
- Alpha Natural Resources filed for bankruptcy and sought to cut health and life insurance benefits for around 1,200 retirees while seeking permission to pay bonuses to top executives. (16m1s)
- Donald Trump reportedly told Bob Murray, "Tell your coal miners I've got their back" and "I love you, man". (19m10s)
- Murray Energy sued the New York Times for libel and threatened to sue the creators of Last Week Tonight for defamation. (20m28s)
- Bob Murray claims an earthquake caused the Crandall Canyon Mine collapse, but a government investigation found it was caused by unauthorized mining practices. (23m40s)
- Bob Murray yelled at the families of miners involved in an accident while they waited for news. (24m49s)
- Union miners allege Bob Murray told a story about a squirrel encouraging him to operate mines, though Murray denies this. (25m29s)
- While Bob Murray claims to support coal miners, a 1990 interview reveals a statement where he said he would have left the mines if he were a coal miner's son. (28m21s)