The Great Partisan Shift | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | EP 484
27 Sep 2024 (5 months ago)

Coming up (0s)
- The speaker believes a particular, unnamed individual lacks the ability to speak with foreign leaders and cites a lack of evidence to support this belief. (4s)
- The speaker expresses concern that this individual is susceptible to manipulation due to not possessing firm ideas, leading to potential exploitation by external entities. (12s)
- The speaker suggests that these entities desire nuclear war and warns that if this individual becomes president, the country may not recover within the following four years. (16s)
Intro (27s)
- It is stated that the speaker previously interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but the video was removed from YouTube. (56s)
- The speaker notes that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is now allied with Donald Trump and that they discussed why Kennedy has become disenchanted with the Democrats. (1m12s)
- The speaker states that Kennedy outlined five ways in which he believes the left has gone too far, including a lack of care for free speech, becoming the party of war, and no longer being the party of the working class. (1m45s)
Forming an alliance with Donald Trump, what the Democratic Party used to represent (2m58s)
- The speaker's family has been involved in the Democratic party since the 1840s. (4m26s)
- The speaker believes the Democratic party has changed from being the party of peace and civil rights to a party that embraces war and censorship. (7m56s), (11m58s)
- The speaker's uncle, John F. Kennedy, resisted pressure to go to war in Laos, Germany, Cuba, and Vietnam during his presidency. (8m58s)
The Democrats have become the party of war, picking a fight with Russia (12m45s)
- The Democratic party is characterized as being likely to lead the country into a war with Russia. (12m47s)
- Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that any missile strikes against Russia will be interpreted as an act of war by NATO and the United States. (14m41s)
- Russia possesses a larger nuclear arsenal than the United States, with a reported 1,200 more warheads, and their electronic warfare capabilities are considered to be more advanced. (14m58s)
Kamala Harris is proud to be endorsed by Dick Cheney (15m16s)
- A speech at the Democratic National Convention was described as "belligerent" and as if it were written by neoconservatives. (15m17s)
- Kamala Harris received endorsements from individuals and groups, including Dick Cheney, John Bolton, and 225 neoconservatives, which was seen as antithetical to traditional Democratic values. (15m40s)
- Dick Cheney and John Bolton are credited with implementing the Patriot Act, expanding government surveillance and censorship, and legalizing CIA spying and propaganda against Americans, culminating in the Iraq War. (16m11s)
The Iraq War brought a surge of totalitarianism to Europe (16m33s)
- The Iraq War led to the displacement of 2 to 4 million people to Europe, destabilizing the continent. (17m19s)
- The influx of immigrants due to the war contributed to the rise of totalitarianism and the suppression of free speech in Europe. (17m28s)
- The Iraq War resulted in the deaths of a greater number of Iraqi civilians compared to the casualties inflicted during Saddam Hussein's regime. (17m3s)
The inversion of the major political parties (19m10s)
- The Democratic party has shifted from being the party of civil rights to the party of censorship and surveillance. (20m2s)
- The Democratic party was once against the subversion of democracy by corporations but is now the party of Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Ag, Big Food, and the military industrial complex. (20m16s)
- The Republican party is now the party of the poor and working class, while the Democratic party has become the party of billionaires. (21m41s)
Atrazine and endocrine disruptors (22m12s)
- Atrazine, the second most used pesticide in the country, is banned in Europe and other parts of the world, but is present in 63% of US drinking water. (22m35s)
- A scientist at UC Berkley, Tyler Hayes, conducted an experiment where he exposed 70 male African water frogs to atrazine levels considered safe by the EPA. 60 of the frogs became sterile, and 10% transitioned into females capable of producing fertile eggs. (22m47s)
- While the effects of atrazine on humans are unknown, no studies have been conducted on mammals or humans to determine the impact of atrazine exposure. (23m44s)
Real environmentalism is for the sake of humans, offshore wind farms and the fake Green Movement (25m35s)
- Environmentalism should be motivated by a love for the environment and a desire to protect it for human benefit, not solely by carbon levels. (26m6s)
- The construction of offshore wind farms along the Atlantic coast is having a negative impact on marine life, potentially causing the collapse of certain fish populations and contributing to the deaths of whales. (27m18s)
- While onshore wind power is efficient and cost-effective, offshore wind power is significantly more expensive and reliant on government subsidies and tax breaks, primarily benefiting foreign companies and financial institutions. (29m57s)
The deep state apparatus, “They literally canceled the primaries” (32m49s)
- The Democratic party has shifted away from its traditional values, becoming opposed to democracy. (34m7s)
- The primaries for the presidential election were canceled, preventing any challenges to the incumbent president. (35m4s)
- The Democratic National Convention highlighted the influence of large donors, including corporations and pharmaceutical companies, in party decision-making. (36m40s)
What RFK Jr. thinks should disqualify Harris from running for president, the free marketplace of ideas (37m12s)
- The government should not decide what is true and what is not true. (37m58s)
- Protecting lies is important because many widely accepted truths began as hypotheses or suppositions that were once considered dishonest, wrong, or misinformation. (38m21s)
- Democracy is a dialectic process in which new, unpopular, and challenging ideas are debated and refined, potentially becoming policies if they survive the process. (38m54s)
The larger disease infecting the Democratic Party (41m8s)
- The Democratic party is criticized for centralizing control, engaging in surveillance, controlling information flow, and implementing top-down policies dictated by an oligarchy. (42m6s)
- The speaker claims that their presence in a political race was helping the Democrats, and that it was Democrats who tried to destroy their campaign and limit their media exposure. (42m50s)
- The speaker criticizes the Democratic party for allegedly colluding to keep them out of political debates, contrasting the current system with previous, allegedly less biased debate commissions. (44m52s)
Keeping RFK Jr. off the debate stage, “clearly it’s illegal” (45m44s)
- CNN was allegedly offered tens of millions of dollars to host a debate and pressured by the Biden administration not to include Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a candidate. (45m58s)
- It is claimed that the Democratic party and ABC implemented rules specifically designed to prevent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from participating in debates, which is illegal under FEC regulations. (46m34s)
- The speaker draws a parallel between the Russian election, where Vladimir Putin allegedly won with 88% of the vote due to limited opposition and media control, and the current US political landscape, suggesting a similar system is being implemented. (47m38s)
Tucker Carlson brought Trump and RFK Jr. together (48m34s)
- A suggestion was made for a political partnership, potentially uniting two parties. (51m15s)
- Multiple discussions took place, including a 30-35 minute phone call, covering topics such as a shooting, the food system, chronic disease, and war. (52m40s)
- Concerns were raised about censorship and the potential for a close race influenced by media narratives and potential defamation. (53m52s)
Agreeing to a unity campaign; forming a team with Vance, Gabbard, and Musk (57m56s)
- A unity campaign, similar to coalition governments in Europe, was discussed and agreed upon. (58m15s)
- The agreed-upon campaign would focus on three priorities: children's health, censorship and surveillance, and ending the war in Ukraine. (59m10s)
- There was discussion and agreement on including Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic congresswoman and presidential candidate, in the campaign. (1h1m27s)
Where Trump has grown in his thinking, launching the transition team now (1h2m16s)
- In 2016, a transition committee was launched in January and was composed of business people and lobbyists. (1h2m35s)
- A transition committee will be launched this week and will be funded by private donors. (1h3m8s)
- The transition committee will be started four or five months early. (1h3m28s)
Trump on Project 2025, “that was written by a Right-wing ahole” (1h3m38s)
- Former President Trump stated that he had not read or heard of Project 2025 until people began claiming he was behind it. (1h3m56s)
- Former President Trump characterized the author of Project 2025 as a right-wing individual. (1h4m10s)
- The speaker believes that the public perception of both themselves and former President Trump has been negatively impacted by simplistic and inaccurate portrayals in the media. (1h5m20s)
Fears that Harris will be easy to manipulate (1h5m31s)
- Some Democrats believe there has been a shift towards the center in the Democratic Party since Kamala Harris became vice president. (1h6m13s)
- Some people are concerned that Kamala Harris lacks deeply held convictions and is susceptible to manipulation by those who wield power, potentially leading to detrimental outcomes for the country. (1h15m2s)
- There is concern that Kamala Harris lacks a firm grasp of critical issues, particularly concerning foreign policy and the potential for nuclear conflict. (1h14m46s)
The U.S. is the sickest and fattest country on the planet — and it’s entirely preventable (1h16m53s)
- The United States has the highest rate of chronic disease in the world, with 60% of Americans suffering from at least one chronic illness. (1h18m27s)
- The rise in chronic diseases, such as obesity and diabetes, is largely attributed to the consumption of processed foods high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and artificial ingredients. (1h19m38s)
- The overabundance of these processed foods is linked to agricultural subsidies that primarily support the production of corn, soy, and wheat, which are the main components of these unhealthy food options. (1h20m11s)
Autism rates have skyrocketed in just a few generations (1h24m43s)
- Neurological diseases such as ADD, ADHD, speech and language issues, Tourette Syndrome, and ASD have been on the rise. (1h24m43s)
- Autism rates have drastically increased from one in 1,500 to one in 10,000 for people born 70 years ago to one in 34 for today's children, with California reporting a rate of one in 22. (1h24m52s)
- A recent paper predicts that autism alone will cost the US economy a trillion dollars annually by 2030. (1h25m23s)
How to fight back against powerful dark forces (1h25m50s)
- Fluoride can be removed from water systems nationwide through executive order. (1h26m42s)
- The National Institutes of Health (NIH) can be directed to prioritize research on the causes of chronic diseases, potentially leading to legal action against manufacturers of harmful products. (1h28m37s)
- A large-scale protest against censorship, surveillance, and totalitarianism is planned for September 29th in Washington, D.C., organized by Brett Weinstein. (1h33m28s)